Sunday, 28 July 2019

Phenocrysts in a Bed of Porphyritic Volcanic Rock in the Ordovician Sedimentary Rocks of the Ottawa Embayment, Eastern Ontario

In the sedimentary rocks of the Ottawa Embayment I may have found a thin bed of a porphyritic volcanic rock.   

Finding evidence of altered volcanic ash (K-bentonite beds) in the Ordovician rocks of Eastern Ontario and the Ordovician rocks of Eastern North America would  not be unusual, as occurrences have been reported for over eighty-five years, and the K-bentonite beds have been used as Ordovician stratigraphic marker horizons over much of the eastern United States and southern Ontario.  For example, Fyon (2019) provides good photos and an explanation of the K-bentonite volcanic ash beds in Ordovician limestone  at Marmora, Ontario, while  Sharma et al. (2005a, b) reported on a 6 cm thick K-bentonite (volcanic ash) bed in the Ordovician Billings Formation shales of the Ottawa Embayment, found in logged drill core from Russell, Ontario.   Kolata, Huff  and  Bergstrom (1996) reviewed the Ordovician K-bentonites of eastern North America, reporting “at least 60 volcanic ash beds, K-bentonites” within the Ordovician stratigraphic succession, concluding that the “parental magmas consisted of a calc-alkaline suite ranging from andesite, rhyodacite, trachyandesite and rhyolite” in a “setting characterized by destructive plate-margin volcanics” where erupted volcanic ash was “carried by the prevailing ... tradewinds for hundreds of kilometers ... and were deposited in shallow cratonic seas.”  For southern Ontario they report two K-bentonites in the Ordovician Gull River Formation (citing Liberty, 1969) and one in the Ordovician Bobcaygeon succession (citing Liberty, 1969), noting that “The Millbrig occurs in the same stratigraphic interval as [K-bentonite] bed MR, described by Liberty from near the base of the Bobcageon Formation in outcrops in the Lake Simcoe region, southwestern Ontario.”   Liberty’s (1969) reports are of k-bentonite clay layers.  

Finding visible phenocrysts  in Ordovician K-bentonite beds is not the norm.   John Haynes (1989) describes the feldspars of the Ordovician Deicke and Millbrig K-bentonite Beds of the southeastern United States,  noting (page 37) that “Feldspars are the most abundant phenocrysts in the Dieke and Millbrig....Grain sizes vary greatly; the feldspars average less than .5 mm long in samples from the west-central Valley and Ridge in Virginia, and they average between 0.5 - 1 mm in samples from the Nashville Dome and the Valley and Ridge from southwestern Virginia to Alabama.”   He included a number of photomicrographs (Figs. 17-21)  of feldspar phenocrysts in his doctoral thesis, but the ones figured are less than a 2.5 mm long.  Others report even smaller crystals.  When Delano et al. (1990) examined 30 K-bentonites (altered volcanic ashes)  in the late Ordovician  Utica shale of New York State they found fragmental feldspar crystals up to 600 microns in diameter, with most crystals under 45 microns.

Haynes (1994) mentions “In the southeastern United States, identification of the Rocklandian Deicke and Millbrig K-bentonite Beds is based on differences in phenocryst mineralogy in the tuffaceous zones of each bed, and the two beds can be reliably and consistently distinguished on this basis. The common phenocrysts in the Deicke are labradorite and various Fe-Ti minerals, and in the Millbrig they are andesine, quartz, and biotite. Phenocrysts present in trace amounts are biotite and quartz in the Deicke, and apatite and zircon in both beds. The Deicke is altered dacitic or latitic ash, whereas the Millbrig is altered rhyodacitic ash. Both beds are interpreted as airfall deposits produced by huge volcanic eruptions, each of which was much larger and produced far more ash than the 1815 eruption of Tambora and even the great Toba eruption of 75 Ka.”  

Haynes (1994) notes that “Biotite, quartz, feldspars, and other clay minerals are present as primary phenocrysts and secondary phenocrysts in the Diecke and Millbrig in the study area – and in fact are so abundant and coarse grained in some zones that the material in those zones is tuffaceous rather than bentonitic – but the principal constituent of these and many other beds in Lower Paleozoic strata is mixed-layer illite/smectite (I/S) clay...”   

There are numerous other reported occurrences where K-bentonite (volcanic ash) outcrops in Ontario and the Ottawa Embayment.  Brun and Chagnon (1979) reported three occurrences of clay (volcanic ash beds) in  Black River and Trenton Group (middle Ordovician) rocks of the Ottawa Embayment, at quarries in Aylmer, Lucerne and Hull, Quebec (just across the river from Ottawa). Suarez et al. (2016) reported a late Ordovician U-Pb zircon age from K-bentonite found in the Trenton Group near Kirkfield, Ontario.  Al-Delami and Dix (2009) reported two thin (~3 cm) biotite-bearing clay beds in the Upper Ordovician Verulam Formation (Ottawa Group)  in the western portion of the Ottawa Embayment, eastern Ontario, which they interpreted as altered volcanic ash from two related eruptive events.  Cornell (2001) reviewed the K-bentonite (volcanic ash) occurrences in Ordovician rocks in Ontario and New York State,  and reported  collecting and examining K-bentonite  at localities that  included  Brechin Quarry, Brechin Ontario; Miller Paving Quarry, Dalrymple, Ontario; Provincial Route 35 road cut just south of Coboconk, Ontario; Provincial Highway 7 road cut west of Marmora, Ontario; Bethlehem Steel Mine, Marmora Ontario; Provincial Route 2 road cut just east of Napanee, Ontario (below the highway department); QEW Highway 401 road cut at Montreal Street exit, Kingston, Ontario;  Division Street Quarry, Kingston, Ontario; and Barriefield Hill, near Kingston, Ontario.  (Inserted August 12, 2019):  Kolata, Huff and Bergström (1996) briefly described the Ordovician K-bentonite bed at the quarry near Aylmer, Quebec (just across the river from Ottawa) noting that this bed is as much as 17 cm thick.   Salad Hersi (1998) reported on a Bentonite layer in a roadcut at the intersection of Tenth Line Rd. and St. Joseph Blvd. in Orleans, Ontario (now part of Ottawa),  within the Hull Formation about 1 meter below the base of the Verulam Formation.   Kierman (1999) analyzed those two K-Bentonites from the Ottawa Embayment: one at the Klock Quarry in Aylmer, Quebec, and the second near the intersection of St. Joseph Blvd. and Tenth Line Rd. in Orleans, Ontario about 1 m below the base of the Verulam Formation.  Dix and Jolicoeur ( 2011) discuss bentonite layers in the Ordovician Billings Formation and Carlsbad Formation, Eastern Ontario.
I did not find a report of a porphyritic volcanic rock from the Ordovician rocks of the Ottawa Embayment.

The potassium-rich bentonite clay formed from altered volcanic ash was originally called bentonite, then metabentonite and only later called K-bentonite (Lounsbury  and Melhorn, 1963).  Kay (1929, 1931, 1935) reported on a six inch layer of  metabentonite (now, K-bentonite) north of Kingston, Ontario at the base of the Ordovician Glenburnie shale, and that the metabentonite had been identified at Napanee, Ontario.   Kay (1931, 1935) also reported  metabentonite occurrences in a number of exposures in the Ordovician Coboconk limestone between Lake Simcoe and Georgian Bay, in Simcoe County, Ontario, with the best of the exposures at quarries  between Orillia and Coldwater.  Maddox (1930) reported a bed of  “bentonite” in Ordovician rocks in a well  2 1/2 miles southeast of Collingwood, Ontario, which Kay (1931) identified as a metabentonite (now, K-bentonite). Orr (1959) reported on samples of “metabentonite or K-bentonite” of Ordovician age from four separate quarries north of Lake Simcoe, Ontario: the first from two 1 inch seams  near the town of Medonte; the second from a 1/2 inch thick bentonite layer at the west quarry at the town of Coboconk; the third from an inch thick bentonite layer at an abandoned quarry 25 miles southwest of the town of Sebright; the fourth from the upper of two 1 inch bentonitic shale partings at a quarry north of the Longford Mills.

 K-bentonite (volcanic ash) layers within sedimentary rocks  are fairly common from the Precambrian  to the Tertiary (see Huff, 2016).   Crystal tuffs and tuffacious zones within K-bentonites layers  have been  reported from various  periods in addition to the Ordovician, but my initial online research suggests that the large size of the feldspar phenocrysts in the rock that I found is very unusual .  For example,  Dennison and Textoris (1978)  report that the Devonian Tioga K-bentonite (found in Virginia, West  Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York)  has several tuffaceous layers,  and  state that “The Tioga tuff ranges (in its original rock state) from coarse crystal tuffs rich in biotite and feldspars (Fig. 3) to tuffaceous shales. ... Up to 35 percent of some samples of the middle coarse zone consist of euhedral and fragmented K-feldspar and Na-rich plagioclase.”  They use isopach data and crystal size for biotite  and feldspar to speculate as to the location of the volcanic source of the Tioga tuffs.  Their map plotting the mean diameter of the coarsest feldspar in the middle coarse zone of Tioga Bentonite, Appalachian Basin, has feldspars ranging from .1mm to 1 mm.

In my January 7, 2018 blog posting I mentioned that the Ontario Geological Survey (“OGS”) had released the Summary of Field Work and Other Activities, 2017 (Open File Report 6333), in which Catherine Béland Otis reported on her project ‘Paleozoic Mapping of Eastern Ontario’ . She mentioned  that she had been looking at ages determined from zircons found in bentonite beds in Eastern Ontario and hoped to correlate strata in Eastern Ontario with adjacent jurisdictions, and that “The bentonite beds  represent Late Ordovician volcanic ash deposits from a volcanic arc, now disappeared, located hundreds of kilometres to the east.”   I thought at that time that the altered volcanic ash (K-bentonite beds) would  be an interesting blog posting.  What is surprising is the number of papers written on the beds in the Ordovician of North America.

Christopher Brett
Ottawa, Ontario

References and Suggested Reading

Adhya, Soumava,  2009
Geochemical fingerprinting of volcanic airfall deposits: A tool in stratigraphic correlation.
Ph.D. Thesis and Dissertation. Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University at Albany, State University of New York.  532 pages.

Al-Delami, M. And Dix, G.R., 2009   
Distal Limits and Composition of a Late Ordovician (Mohawkian) Biotite-Bearing Volcanic ash, Foreland Carbonate Platform (Verulam Formation), Ottawa Embayment: Helping to Define Magmatic Change in Volcanism Following Later Platform Foundering.  American Geophysical Union, Spring Meeting 2009, abstract id. V31B-10

Allen, V.T. , 1929
Altered tuffs in the Ordovician of Minnesota. Journal of Geology,  37, 239–248.
Allen, V.T. , 1932
Ordovician Altered Volcanic Material in Iowa, Wisconsin, and Missouri.  The Journal of Geology 40, no. 3 (Apr. - May, 1932): 259-269.

Anonymous, 2019
Deicke and Millbrig bentonite layers - Wikipedia.

Armstrong, D.K., 2000
Paleozoic Geology of the Northern Lake Simcoe Area, South-Central Ontario. Ontario Geological Survey Open File Report 6011, at pages 18 and 23

Barth, A.P.; A.D.G. Feilen; S.L. Yager; S.R. Douglas; J.L. Wooden; N.R. Riggs; J.D. Walker
Petrogenetic connections between ash-flow tuffs and a granodioritic to granitic intrusive suite in the Sierra Nevada arc, California .  Geosphere (2012) 8 (2): 250-264.

Brett, Carlton,  McLaughlin, P. , Cornell, S., and Baird, G. 2004
Comparative sequence stratigraphy of two classic Upper Ordovician successions, Trenton Shelf (New York–Ontario) and Lexington Platform (Kentucky–Ohio): implications for eustasy and local tectonism in eastern Laurentia. Palaeo:  Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, vol. 210, pages 295- 329; K-bentonites at 306-308

Brun J., 1974
Etude Petrograpique des formations du Black River et du Trenton du Quebec.
Ministere de Rechesses Naturelles Service des gites Mineraux. 24 pages

Brun, J.  and Chagnon, A., 1979
Rock Stratigraphy and clay mineralogy of volcanic ash beds from the Black River and Trenton Groups (middle Ordovician) of southern Quebec.  Can. Journal of Earth Sciences, vol 16, 1499–1507

Carey, Adam, Samson, Scott D.,  and Bryan Sell, 2009
Utility and Limitations of Apatite Phenocryst Chemistry for Continent-Scale Correlation of Ordovician K-Bentonites.  The Journal of Geology, Vol. 117, No. 1 (January 2009), pp. 1-14

Cornell, Sean R., 2001
 Sequence Stratigraphy and Event Correlations of Upper Black River and Lower Trenton Carbonates of Northern New York State and Southern Ontario, Canada.  Thesis, Master of Science, University of Cincinnati!etd.send_file?accession=ucin997444936&disposition...

Delano, J. W.,  Schirnick, C., Bock, B.,  W. S. F. Kidd, M. T. Heizler, G. W. Putman, S. E. De Long, M. Ohr, 1990
Petrology and Geochemistry of Ordovician K-Bentonites in New York State: Constraints on the Nature of a Volcanic Arc.  The Journal of Geology, Vol. 98, No. 2 (Mar., 1990), pp. 157-170

Dennison , J. M. And Textoris, D. A, 1978
Tioga Bentonite Time-Marker Associated with Devonian shales in Appalachian Basin.  166-182
in  Proceedings First Eastern Gas Shales Symposium, October 17-19, 1977, Lakeview Inn and Country Club, Morgantown, West Virginia. Department of Energy, Technical Information Center, 1978 ,  783 pages

Dix, George R. And Jolicoeur, C. , 2011
Tectonostratigraphic framework of Upper Ordovician source rocks, Ottawa Embayment (eastern Ontario).  Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, Vol. 59, No. 1 (March, 2011), P. 7–26

Fyon, Andy, 2019
Marmora Ash Beds — Ontario Beneath Our Feet
downloaded July 27, 2019
Haynes, John T., 1989
The Mineralogy And Stratigraphic Setting Of The Rocklandian (Upper Ordovician) Deicke And Millbrig K Bentonite Beds Along The Cincinnati Arch And In The Southern Valley And Ridge.
Ph.D. thesis,   University of Cincinnati

Haynes, John T., 1994
The Ordovician Deicke and Millbrig K-Bentonite Beds of the Cincinnati Arch and the Southern Valley and Ridge Province. Geological Society of America Special Paper Volume 290   

Hewett, D. F., 1917
The origin of bentonite and the geologic range of related materials in Bighorn basin, Wyoming.  Journal Washington Academy Sciences, vol. VII, pp 196-198

Huff, Warren, 2016   
K-bentonites: A review.  American Mineralogist, Volume 101(1), pages 43-70 

Huff, W., Kolata, D.R., Bergstrom, S. M. And Zhang, Y-S., 1996
Large-magnitude Middle Ordovician volcanic ash falls in North America and Europe: dimensions, emplacement and post-emplacement characteristics. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, volume 73, 285-301

Kay, G.M., 1929,
Stratigraphy of the Decorah Formation, Journal of Geology, vol. 37, 639-671,
Kay, G. M., 1930
Age of the Hounsfield Metabentonite, Science, vol. 72, 365

Kay, G.M., 1931
Stratigraphy of the Ordovician Hounsfield Metabentonite, Journal of Geology, vol. , p. 361-376.

Kay, G.M.,  1935
Distribution of Ordovician altered volcanic materials and related clays. Geological Society of America Bulletin 46: 225-244     doi:10.1130/GSAB-46-195

Kierman, Jeffrey P., 1999
Lithography, Sedimentology and Diagenesis of the Upper Ordovician Hull Beds and Verulam Formation, Upper Ottawa Group, Eastern Ontario. Thesis, Master of Science, Department of Earth Sciences, Carleton University.   262 pages.   MQ43360.pdf

Kolata, Dennis R.,  Huff,  Warren D.  and  Bergstrom, Stig M., 1996
Ordovician K-bentonites of eastern North America.  Geological Society of America, Special Paper 313

Lafleur, Jean and Hogarth, D.,
Cambro-Proterozoic volcanism near Buckingham, Quebec. [trachyandesit 573 +-32 Ma]
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 1981, 18(12): 1817-1823,

Liberty, B.A., 1969
Paleozoic geology of the Lake Simcoe area, Ontario. Geological Survey of Canada Memoir 355,  215  pages.

Lounsbury , Richard W. and Melhorn Wilton N., 1963
Clay mineralogy of Paleozoic k-bentonites of the Eastern United States (part 1). Twelfth national conference on clays and clay minerals, 557-565
 “Ross (1928) proposed the term metabentonite for these altered volcanic ash deposits. Since, as Weaver (1953) points out, these materials are frequently not metamorphosed, they are not metabentonites.   He suggests use of the term  K-bentonite for these deposits.”

Maddox, D.C., 1930
Bentonite in the Ordovician near Collingwood, Ontario. Science, Vol. 72, Issue 1877, pp. 630
DOI:     10.1126/science.72.1877.630

 Mitchell CE, Adhya S, Bergström SM, Joy MP, Delano JW.,  2004.
 Discovery of the Ordovician Millbrig K-bentonite bed in the Trenton Group of New York State: implications for regional correlation and sequence stratigraphy in eastern North America. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 210: 331-346
[Only Abstract looked at]

Orr, John Barrie Bain, 1959   
Ordovician Bentonites from Ontario.  Thesis, Master of Science, The University of Alberta. 86 pages

Oruche, Nkechi E.,  Dix, George R. And  Sandra L. Kamob, 2018
Lithostratigraphy of the upper Turinian – lower Chatfieldian (Upper Ordovician) foreland succession, and a U–Pb ID–TIMS date for the Millbrig volcanic ash bed in the Ottawa Embayment. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2018, 55(9): 1079-1102,
[Only Abstract looked at]

Ross, C.S., 1927
Altered Paleozoic Volcanic Materials and Their Recognition., Bulletin American Association  Petroleum Geologists, Vol. XII, p. 149-164

Salad Hcrsi , Osman , 1998
 Stratigraphic revision of the Upper Chazyan to Trentonian succession, and sedimentologic and diagenetic aspects of the Blackriveran strata Ottawa Embayment, Ontario, Canada. Unpub. PhD. thesis Carleton  University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 370 pp.

Samson, Scott, 1996
40Ar/39Ar and Nd-Sr isotopic characteristics of mid-Ordovician North American K-Bentonites: A test of early Paleozoic Laurentia-Gondwana interactions. Advanced Earth and Space Science.

Sharma, S., Dix, G.R.  and M. Villeneuve, 2005a
Petrology and potential tectonic significance of a K-bentonite in a Taconian shale basin (eastern Ontario, Canada), northern Appalachians: Geological Magazine, v. 142, p. 145-158.
DOI: 10.1017/S001675680400041X           

Sharma , S.,  Dix. G.R., Coniglio, M.,  Achab, A. , and Riva, J. F. V., 2005b
Records of Punctuated Tectonism in Platform-Interior Graben Systems (Ontario, Canada) Far-Flung from Contemporaneous Taconic Orogenesis in the Northern Appalachians.
Poster presentation at AAPG Annual Convention, Calgary, Alberta, June 19-22, 2005.

Suarez, S. E.; Brookfield, M. E.; Catlos, E. J.; Stockli, D. F.; Batchelor, R. A., 2016
Precise U/Pb zircons dates of bentonites in Upper Ordovician and Lower Silurian.  American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2016, abstract #V11A-2761
 3 precise U-Pb zircon ages from the Trenton Group, Ontario, Canada,   The youngest age from the top of the Kirkfield Formation in Ontario is 448.0 +/- 18 Ma, which fits with existing late Ordovician stratigraphic ages

Tweet, Justin, 2016
(former) Ash beds in St. Paul
Equatorial Minnesota: Minnesota paleontology and geology, National Park Service paleontology, the Mesozoic, and occasional distractions.   Posted Sunday, July 31, 2016

Ver Straeten, C.,  Baird, G. C.,  Karabinos, P., Samson, S. D., and Brett, Carlton E.,  2012
Silicic Appalachian Magmatism During the Ordovician and Devonian: Perspectives from the Foreland Basin, and the Hinterland.   In New York State Geological Association, 84th Annual Meeting Guidebook, Publisher: New York State Geological Association, Editors: Todd W. Rayne, pp. A7-1 to A7-59

Wentworth, Chester K. And Williams, Howel, 1932
The Classification and Terminology of the Pyroclastic Rocks, pages 19-53,  in Report of the Committee on Sedimentation, 1930-1932, Bulletin of the National Research Council, No. 89,  National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C.

Thursday, 18 July 2019

Dr. Arthur Wade’s (1924) Contribution to the Discovery of Precambrian Fossils in Australia

"Our most interesting find consisted of a variety of fossil remains in these siliceous flags and shales. These consisted of the tracks of forms of life unknown to us — Worm tracks, long stem-like structures sometimes in great profusion, and other more complex and more obscure forms."
Dr. Arthur Wade, 1924

Basic Premise of This Paper

The premise of this posting is that Dr. Arthur Wade made a significant contribution to the discovery of Prccambrian fossils in Australia and that his contribution has been overlooked by many currently working on Ediacaran fossils.   The following points are worth noting.

- Dr. Arthur Wade (1924) considered the structures  that he figured in his Plates VII, VIII, VIII, X  to be fossils from the “Lower Cambrian (Proterozoic?) Flags.”   At least two of those photographs are of Precambrian fossils:  Protoniobia and  Horodyskia.

- Protoniobia is considered a Proterozoic fossil.  Accordingly, Dr. Arthur Wade was the first to publish photographs of Australian Proterozoic  fossils.   Dr. Arthur Wade did this in 1924, over two decades before Sprigg’s (1947) publication ‘Early Cambrian Jellyfish from the Flinders Range’ and Sprigg’s (1950) publication ‘Early Cambrian  'Jellyfishes' of Ediacara South  Australia and Mount John, Kimberley District, Western Australia.’

- Dr. Arthur Wade was the first person in Australia to use Precambrian  fossils as an aid in mapping.

- While Dr. Arthur Wade tentatively assigned his fossils  to the Lower Cambrian  he commented a number of times that they might be Proterozoic.   In an article written in 1928 Sir T. W. Edgeworth David recognized and publicized that Dr. Arthur Wade had found Proterozoic fossils.  Sir T. W. Edgeworth David’s (1928) publication is referenced in Sprigg (1947) and, for example, Glaessner (1959) and Wilson (1957).

 - One of the fossils that had been shown in a plate in Dr. Wade’s publication was figured in Sprigg’s (1950) publication and named  Protoniobia  wadea, Sprigg.   The Holotype was collected by Dr. Arthur Wade.

- Another of Dr. Arthur Wade’s (1924) fossils  was likely the first photograph of Horodyskia, a Precambrian fossil found in rocks dating from the Mesoproterozoic (possibly to the Ediacaran).   The literature reports that the structures were first described by Horodyski (1982) from the  Mesoproterozoic Belt Supergroup,  Montana, who thought them likely nonbiogenic, possibly representing a repetitive tool mark, but possibly biogenic.  They  was subsequently reported in Western Australia by Grey and Williams (1990).  They were named Horodyskia moniliformis by Yochelson and Fedonkin ( 2000).   Dr. Wade (1924)  should be credited as the first to report  the fossil as his photographs appeared fifty-eight years prior to Horodyski (1982).

- Most writers, including Sprigg (1950),  incorrectly assigned  Dr. Wade’s specimen of Protoniobia to the Cambrian.  A few now assign it to the Ediacaran.  Glaessner and Walter (1981) assigned it to rocks much  older than the Ediacaran. 

- Dr. Arthur Wade or F. Chapman ( 1925), describe Dr. Wade’s fossil that Sprigg later named Protoniobia  wadea  as “A probable impress of a coiled (?) gephyrean or unsegmented  worm”.   Sprigg (1950)  believed it to be “the impression of a medusa”.   Harrington & Moore (1956) rejected  both  interpretations:  "Here interpreted as a concretion, inorganic."  Öpik (1957a) and Noakes (1957) both considered it a jellyfish, relying on Sprigg.  Williams (1967) commented that the organic origin of the jellyfish discovered by Wade (1924) and named by Sprigg (1949) “is doubtful (Dow & Gemuts, in prep.).”   Cloud (1968) thought it inorganic.  Dow and Gemuts (1969) commented “there  is  some  doubt  that  Wade's  jellyfish is of organic  origin.”  Glaessner and Walter (1981, page 388) commented that it was “an abiogenic concretion”.  Strusz (1992), interpreted it as “a concretion, inorganic.”     Hoffman (1992) included it in his list of megascopic dubiofossils and pseudofossils.  McCall (2006) stated that it was “clearly a body fossil and resembles Ediacaran medusoids.”   Fedonkin et al. (2007) suggested it was “Possibly a cnidarian.” Lan and Chen (2012) commented “These fossils are also highly questionable.”  Menon (2015) characterized it as one of many  “Probable junior synonyms of Cyclomedusa davidi Sprigg 1947,” and interpreted  it as the “Possible upper surface of holdfast”.  The characterization of the specimen by Dr. Arthur Wade as a ‘fossil’ and by Dr. Arthur Wade  or F. Chapman (1925) as “A  probable  impress  of  a  coiled (?)  gephyrean  or  unsegmented   worm”  is arguably as accurate as those assigned to the specimen by  others.[Added November 6, 2021:] In a paper submitted and accepted for publication in August -September, 2020  Bicknell, Smith,  Schroeder,  Kimmig (2020) suggest that “serious doubts have been raised regarding biological affinities” of Protoniobia wadea Sprigg, 1949, referencing Dunnet 1965, Cloud 1968, Dow & Gemuts 1969, Grey 1981a, 1981b, Lan & Chen 2012, noting that “Most authors consider P. wadea to represent a chert plate;”.

Background -  Sir T. W. Edgeworth David’s 1928 Paper

When I read a new article I also read the list of references looking for articles of historical interest.   In my March 30th posting I mentioned an article by Dr. Alice E. Wilson describing  the packing and storage of the Geological Survey of Canada’s Aspidella specimens.  Dr. Wilson referenced an interesting article by Sir T. W. Edgeworth David (1928), an Australian geologist and Antarctic explorer, in which he summarized articles on Precambrian fossils, and mentioned:

“Dr. Arthur Wade  records the occurrence of markings with tracks and trails apparently of organic origin in the Lower Cambrian or Proterozoic rocks (probably the latter. — T. W. E. D.) of (1 ) Mount John, in the Kimberley region of Western Australia ; (2) in the Victoria River area of North Australia ; (3) at Elcho Island and in the Cape Wilberforce district, on the north-west side of the Gulf of  Carpentaria. Speaking of these Wade says : "Our most interesting find consisted of a variety of fossil remains in these (Mount John.— T. W. E. D.) siliceous flags and shales. These consisted of the tracks of forms of life unknown  to us — Worm tracks, long stem-like structures sometimes in great profusion, and other more complex and more obscure forms." Wade found these markings of  value for purposes of correlation.”

Dr. Arthur Wade’s 1924 Publication

That remark by Sir Edgeworth David, in an article published in 1928,  that in Proterozoic rocks of Australia  Dr. Arthur Wade had found “Worm tracks, long stem-like structures sometimes in great profusion, and other more complex and more obscure forms”  piqued my interest and after failing to find  an online version of  Dr. Arthur Wade’s publication, and failing to locate  the publication at a local library, I ordered a copy.   I have now received and read Dr. Arthur Wade’s report, which has the title “Petroleum prospects, Kimberley district of Western Australia and Northern Territory ” (not the title that one would expect from the extract  provided by Edgeworth David).   The plates in the publication are worth the cost of the publication, as at least two of the fossils that Dr. Wade identifies as “fossils” from the “Lower Cambrian (Proterozoic?)” would now be identified as the Precambrian fossils Protoniobia and  Horodyskia.

By way of background, it is worth noting that Dr. Arthur Wade was a petroleum geologist (see Vallance, 1990) and that his 1924 publication involved mapping the Kimberley District of Western Australia and the Northern Territory in a search for oil.   As part of that project he mapped the Precambrian, Cambrian and other Phanerozoic rocks of the Kimberley District, and  reported finding a Lower Cambrian series of sedimentary rocks (quartzites, sandstones, conglomerates, shales and flags)  “that may well pass downward into the Pre-Cambrian”, a point that he emphasized a number of times in the publication.    For example, in his chart of the formations and thickness, Dr. Wade gives the age (at page 10) as “Lower (may pass down into Proterozoic or Precambrian)” for his Albert River Series which includes “Gray and green silicious shales, flags and flaggy grits of Mt. John (W.A.), also of Victoria River, Elcho Island, Cape Wilberforce, and the Rover River (N.T.)... 500 feet.” .   When describing the Fitzroy Area Dr. Wade  mentions (at page 14) “We have, therefore, called them the Lower Cambrian series, though they may pass downward into the Pre-Cambrian.    When describing the Ord River Areas Dr. Wade  mentions (at page 25) “The beds are part of what we have called the Lower Cambrian sedimentary series, and may be older. ... This wall is the scarp face of the basal beds of the Cambrian, or, may be, Proterozoic series, and can be traced...” .   When describing his Geologic Map, Dr. Wade commented (at page 39)  “Again we feel certain that the beds mapped and described as lower Cambrian go down to and include Pre-Cambrian sediments with apparent conformity, and these have all been shown under one colour.”

Here is a longer version of the part quoted by Sir Edgeworth David, and is Dr.  Arthur Wade’s description of the Mt. John area (page 30):

“ The Lower Cambrian (or, may be, Proterozoic) series has a far greater extension to the W. at this point than is shown on any of the maps...   Our most interesting find consisted of a variety of fossil remains in these siliceous flags and shales. These consisted of the tracks of forms of life unknown  to us — Worm tracks, long stem-like structures sometimes in great profusion, and other more complex and more obscure forms.  These very ancient life forms proved to be very valuable find so far as we were concerned, since we found identical forms in similar beds later in the Victoria River area just over the border in Western Australia and in the Northern Territory, and as far as Elcho Island and the Cape Wilberforc district on the W. Side of the Gulf of Carpentaria, thus enabling us to correlate the strata..”

At least two of “the ancient life forms” that Dr. Arthur Wade relied on that are shown in Dr. Arthur Wade’s plates would now be recognized as Proterozoic fossils, and I find it interesting that Dr. Arthur Wade in Australia, like Alexander Murray in Newfoundland (who used the Huronian  fossil Aspidella as an aid in mapping), was able to use Precambrian fossils as an aid in mapping.

Dr. Arthur Wade’s Plates

Dr. Arthur Wade includes six plates of which he identified as fossils from the Lower Cambrian:
- Plates VII, VIII, IX and X –  “Lower Cambrian Fossils (undetermined) .  Lower Cambrian (Proterozoic?) Flags, Mt. John, Osmond Range, Western Australia” ,
- Plate XI with “Lower Cambrian Fossils (undetermined) Auvergne Station, N.T.” and
- Plate XII “Lower Cambrian Fossils  (undetermined).  In Lower Cambrian Quartzite, Elcho Island, N.T.”

Dr. Arthur Wade’s Plate IX 

The fossil in Dr. Arthur Wade’s Plate IX is the one of most interest.   It is reproduced below.

When looking at the photograph it is important to note that Dr. Wade (1924)  states that the photograph shows the specimen in its natural size.  The large disc (as measured on the photo in Dr. Wade’s publication) has a diameter of 6 cm ( 2  1/4 inches), not the  4.1 mm that is reported in a number of publications (Sprigg (1950);  McCall (2006),  Fedonkin et al. (2007)).  [Inserted July 25, 2019:]  Natalie Schroeder, the Collection Manager for the Commonwealth Palaeontological Collection, at Geoscience Australia has  told me  "the specimen measures 41 mm in diameter, not 4.1 mm!”

A separate  publication  (herein, Chapman, 1925), describes  the plates and other specimens collected by Dr. Arthur Wade and describes the fossil in Plate IX as “A  probable  impress  of  a  coiled (?) gephyrean or unsegmented  worm, lying on the bedded surface of a laminated  sandstone.  Lower Cambrian Flags. Mount  John,  Osmond  Range,  Western  Australia.”    The photographed specimen bears Dr. Wade’s specimen Number 275.   That separate publication is in two parts: first, a description of the plates where the author is not identified; second, a preliminary description of all of Dr. Wade’s specimens where the author is identified as M r. F. Chapman, Palaeontologist, National Museum, Melbourne.   It is not clear whether Dr. Wade was the author of the description of the plates, or whether Chapman authored both parts.

Sprigg’s (1950) Description of Dr. Arthur Wade’s Specimen - Plate IX

Sprigg (1950) in his paper ‘Early  Cambrian  'Jellyfishes' of Ediacara South Australia and Mount  John,  Kimberley  District, Western Australia’, describes Dr. Wade’s specimen at pages 77-79 of his article (including it within the Hydrozoa and placing it in the Lower Cambrian) and  figured Dr. Wade’s specimen as his Figure 1, Plate IX, with the caption:  “Fig. 1 Protoniobia  wadea, Sprigg.  Holotype No. 192, Commonwealth Palaeontological Collection, Canberra, F.C.T. Specimen collected by Dr. A. L. Wade from Lower Cambrian flags, Mount John Osmond Range, Western Australia. The impression occurs on the bedded surface of laminated sandstone.”

Sprigg (1950) provides the following measurements:  “Dimension — Maximum diameter of the bell 4.1 mm.; average diameter of (?) gonadial nodes 2.5 mm.; maximum diameter of largest "bud" 1.4 mm.”    As noted above, Sprigg’s measurements do not agree with Dr. Wade’s photograph of the specimen that is supposed to be of natural size.  The most likely explanation is typographical error:  Sprigg’s dimensions should be in centimeters not millimeters. [Inserted July 25, 2019:]  Natalie Schroeder, the Collection Manager for the Commonwealth Palaeontological Collection, at Geoscience Australia has  told me “you are absolutely right ... – the specimen measures 41 mm in diameter, not 4.1 mm!”

Sprigg (1950) concluded that “The specimen is the impression of a medusa.”

Nearby Locations - Similar Fossils

Others have searched for specimens of  Dr. Arthur Wade’s ‘jellyfish’ with mixed results.   While  Noakes (1957) commented “at Mt. John, Wade (1924) discovered fossils which were eventually established as  fossil jellyfish by Sprigg in 1949. Again, search over many years has produced no other fossils in these rocks” , Traves (1957) commented on Upper  Proterozoic  rocks  in  the  Kimberley  plateau noting that “Along  the  banks  of  the  Ord  River  near  Carlton  Crossing  stromatolitic  structures  and  possible  jelly-fish  marks  were  examined  by  Dr.  Öpik  and  the  writer.  A  number  of  undetermined  fossils  of  a similar  nature  are  illustrated  in  Wade's  report  (1924)  as  occurring  at  Mt.  John,  Osmond  Range,  W.  A.”     

Dow and Gemuts (1969) reported finding specimens similar to Dr. Wade’s at a nearby location, commenting (1969, at pages 79-80)  “It  was  from  the  lower  unit  that  Wade  (1924)  collected  the  supposed  jellyfish named  by  Sprigg  (1949)    Protoniobia   wadea.  Wade  thought  the  sandstone  was  Lower   Cambrian,   and   Sprigg  correlated   the   beds   with   the  basal   Cambrian   of   Ediacara  in  South  Australia,  but  they  are  of  course  much  older.    We  could  not  find  Wade's  locality,  but  in  Wade  Creek  there  is  a  platform   on  which   are   exposed   hundreds   of  small  chert  plates  consisting   of   a  number   of  concentric  rings,  very similar  to  Wade's  supposed  jellyfish.     Many   of  these  are  single  plates,  between  half  an  inch  and  2  inches  across,  but  a  large  proportion  consists  of  two  to  three  individuals  of  various  sizes  fused  together.    In  some  cases,  small  nodules  are  fused  to  the  margin   of  a  larger  one,  giving  the  appearance   of  the  budding  appendages  described  by  Sprigg.    Under  these  circumstances  there  is  some  doubt  that  Wade's  jellyfish  is  of  organic  origin,  a  doubt  previously  expressed  by  Harrington  & Moore  (Moore,  1956).”

Mount Brooking is 80 miles north of Mount John.  Dunnet (1965) reported on an occurrence of Proterozoic "jellyfish" from Mount Brooking,  Kimberley Region, Western Australia, but commented “They bear no resemblance to the Forms found by Wade (1924) and described by  Sprigg (1949) from rocks lower in the sequence near Mount John 80 miles SSW of Mount Brooking.”   Grey (1981a,b) examined additional specimens of “ ‘jellyfish’ or ‘medusoids’ ” from the Mount Brooking area, concluding that they were inorganic.

Age of the Mount John Shale Member and the Wade Creek Sandstone

There is a bit of uncertainty as to the age of the rocks where Dr. Arthur Wade collected the specimen now  known as Protoniobia, if like me you want to believe that Protoniobia is Ediacaran.  Since 1967 most writers assign the rocks to the Mesoproterozoic.

Dr. Arthur Wade stated that the specimen in Plate IX was found in the flags at Mt. John, Osmond Range, Western Australia.   Sprigg (1950) stated that “The impression occurs on the bedded surface of laminated sandstone.”   Dow and Gemuts (1969) stated that Wade’s specimen “was from the lower part of the Wade Creek Sandstone.”  Glaessner and Walter (1981)  commented that  Protoniobia wadea Sprigg was “from the Mount John Shale Member of the Wade Sandstone.”   As the Mount John Shale Member is part of the Wade Creek Formation, the age of either one is the age of Dr. Wade’s specimen.

Consider the following. 
- Dr. Arthur Wade assigned it to the Lower Cambrian, possibly the Proterozoic.

- Sprigg (1950) assigned it to the Lower Cambrian.  Sprigg (1950)  reported that a second example of Protoniobia  has been discovered amongst material from  Ediacara, South Australia,  that the fossil was slightly smaller, with evidence of four daughter buds, and that “Its discovery supports the view that the Kimberley fossil was approximately contemporaneous with the Ediacara suite.”  Seven years later Glaessner and Daily (1957) comment that the small specimen “is not a Protoniobia but represents the new form described below as Tribrachidium heraldicum.”
- Öpik (1957a, 1957b) assigned the beds to the  "Eocambrian."  (Wikipedia: Eocambrian ... referring to the latest (youngest) portion of time in the Precambrian Eon or to the uppermost Precambrian sediments which were continuously deposited across the Precambrian-Cambrian time boundary.)

- Vivian Bofinger (1967) submitted  a doctoral thesis entitled Geochronology in the East Kimberley Area of Western Australia in which she determined the age of  the Mt. John Shale Member of the Wade Creek Sandstone.  She reported that the results of the Rb-Sr isotope dilution analyses gave an indicated age of 1128 + 110 m.y.

- Dow and Gemuts (1969) mapped the Kimberley Region of  Western Australia and designated one unit  the Wade Creek Sandstone, with the contained Mount John Shale Member.   They commented that “It was from the lower part of the Wade Creek Sandstone that Wade (1924) found an impression thought to be fossil jellyfish, which was named Protoniobia wadea by Sprigg (1949).”   They also noted that the “Mount John Shale has been isotopically dated by the Rb/Sr method as 1,128 ± 110 m.y.”

- Glaessner and Walter (1981, page 388)  commented that “The supposed medusoid Protoniobia wadea Sprigg is an abiogenic concretion from the Mount John Shale Member of the Wade Sandstone of northwestern Australia which is 1125 +- 110 Ma old (Plumb and Derrick, 1975). ”  

- McCall (2006) commented that  Protoniobia wadea “is clearly a body fossil and resembles Ediacaran medusoids. The Kimberleys is a vast region and exposes great expanse of Proterozoic to lower Palaeozoic rocks. . ..  Although Sprigg recorded this occurrence as Cambrian, the age of the Mount John Shale Member as given  by Grey and Griffin (1990) is 1128 Ma (±110 Ma) citing Dow and Gemuts (1969). This would not equate with the age of the Pound Quartzite of the Ediacara type area, being much older than the Vendian. However, age dating evidence in the Kimberleys is somewhat meager.”  

- Lan and Chen (2010) comment that “the Mount John Shale Member is stratigraphically below the Eliot Range Dolomite which was assigned to the early to middle Neoproterozoic in age by stromatolite biostratigraphic correlation (Grey and Blake, 1999). The Mount John Shale Member therefore is not younger than early Neoproterozoic in age.”

- Grey and Blake (1999) include a stratigraphic column where they  assign the Wade Creek Formation and the Mount John Shale to the Mesoproterozoic with an age of about 1200 Ma.   They note that “The Bungle Bungle Dolomite is overlain  unconformably by the Wade Creek Sandstone,which is separated from the overlying Duerdin Group by the Ahern Formation and the Helicopter Siltstone (Tyler et al. 1997).

- Both Tyler et al. (1997), a 1:100 000 geological map (sheet 4563) , and Tyler et al. (1998), 1:250000 geological map (sheet SE 52-6), include stratigraphic columns which include the rocks at Mount John and the Osmond Range.    They place the  Wade Creek Formation and the Mount John Shale in the Proterozoic below the Ahern Formation and the Helicopter Siltstone to which they assign an (uncertain) age of “c.?800Ma.”    They do not assign an age to the underlying Wade Creek Formation and the Mount John Shale.

- Tyler, Hocking and Haines ( 2012) state that “The Glidden Group and Wade Creek Sandstone have been correlated with the Carr Boyd Group (Tyler, 2000; Blake et al., 2000).” and that “Deposition of the Carr Boyd Group probably took place in a deltaic to shallow-marine setting at c. 1200 Ma, the age of intrusion of the Argyle lamproite diatreme into wet sediments (Thorne and Tyler, 1996; Jaques et al., 1986; Pidgeon et al., 1989).” 

- The Australian Government’s online ‘Australian Stratigraphic Units Database’ gives the formation a “Maximum age: Mesoproterozoic, Ma: 1128 +/- 110".   

It is not clear to me that Bofinger’s (1967) analysis of the Mt. John Shale Member of the Wade Creek Sandstone would have given the age of the shale or the age of the source for the sediment in the shale.  However, Nebel (2014) commented that “The Rb–Sr dating technique is among the most widely used and most powerful dating tools available in Earth sciences. It is an effective means of dating igneous rocks or metamorphic events and, under special circumstances, can be applied to sedimentary sequences, ...”

Dr. Arthur Wade’s Plate X  - Horodyskia

Below I have reproduced Dr. Arthur Wade’s Plate X

Dr. Arthur Wade (1924) identified it as a fossil with the following description of the plate: “Plates VII, VIII, IX and X –  “Lower Cambrian Fossils (undetermined) .  Lower Cambrian (Proterozoic?) Flags, Mt. John, Osmond Range, Western Australia.  VII, IX and X, nat. size; VIII, 1/2 size.”

Here is the  description of Plate X from the first part of the separate publication (Fletcher, 1925): “Plate X.  A fine-grained  shore-line  sandstone, showing  probable tracks of a (?) crustacean.    Lower  Cambrian  Flags.    Mount   John,  Osmond   Range, Western  Australia.”

The specimen shows two diverging lines of small circles that look like isolated strings of beads.
An identical, or nearly identical structure, from Precambrian rocks  has been identified as the  fossil  Horodyskia.   The literature on  Horodyskia invariably reports that the structures were first described from the  Mesoproterozoic Belt Supergroup,  Montana, by Horodyski (1982)  who thought them likely  nonbiogenic, possibly representing a repetitive tool mark, but possibly biogenic.  They  was subsequently reported in Western Australia by Grey and Williams (1990).  They were named Horodyskia moniliformis by Yochelson and Fedonkin ( 2000).

The fossil shown in Dr. Arthur Wade’s Plate X is essentially the same as the fossil shown in Fedonkin’s (2003) Figures 1 [Middle Proterozoic, Montana] and 2 [Middle Proterozoic, Western Australia] .     The specimen featured in Dr. Arthur Wade’s Plate X is also nearly identical to structures on the slabs from Western Australia featured in Figures 2 and 5 of  Grey and Williams (1990).    Grey and Williams (1990) do not cite Dr. Arthur Wade’s publication, but Grey et al. (2009) do, commenting “Structures from the late Precambrian or early Cambrian near Mount John, east Kimberly region, appear similar to Horodyskia and require further investigation (Wade, 1924, p. 47, Plate X).”

It is important to note that Dr. Arthur Wade (1924)  identified Plate X as a fossil and that it was described in Fletcher (1925).   If Dr. Arthur Wade’s Plate X is Horodyskia, then he ought to be credited as the first to figure and describe the fossil.

Horodyskia has also been reported from  Ediacaran age rocks (e.g., Dong et al. (2008) reported  Horodyskia  from the Ediacaran rocks in South China.) .  However, in Calvera et al.’s (2010)  report of Horodyskia  in the mid-Proterozoic of Tasmania  they question the Ediacaran finds commenting that they discount “ the Ediacaran occurrences of Mathur and Srivastava (2004), Shen et al. (2007) and Dong et al. (2008),whose assignation to Horodyskia we find doubtful.”   If Horodyskia is found in rocks dating from the Mesoproterozoic  to the Ediacaran it has  a  800 Ma range. 

If Horodyskia is found only  in rocks dating from the Mesoproterozoic, then this agrees with the age 1128 + 110 m.y. that  Dr. Vivian Bofinger (1967) assigned to the  Mt. John Shale Member of the Wade Creek Sandstone.

Dr. Arthur Wade’s Plates VII, VIII and XI

Below I have reproduced Dr. Arthur Wade’s Plates VII, VIII and XI with their descriptions in the first part of the separate publication.

Plate VII.  Curious surface markings, usually ascribed to trails of seaweed,  and  tracks of  crustacea.   The straight linear bodies may indicate sponge remains—a  strange  association.     Lower Cambrian Flags.  Mount John, Osmond Range, Western  Australia.

Plate VIII. A slab of shore-line sediment, similar to the preceding: with probable crustacean tracks and long (?) spicular bodies.    Lower Cambrian Flags. Mount John, Osmond Range,  Western Australia

Plate XI.  Problematic fossils,  including  tracks  and  trails.    Also  thick  spicular-like bodies  of  doubtful  origin.    Auvergna  Station,  Northern  Territory.  Lower Cambrian  Flags.

The specimen shown in Plate VII bears Dr. Wade’s specimen Number 267.  Later in the separate publication Chapman added the note  “267 . . (?) Trail of a seaweed and tracks of a (?) crustacean. Also tracks of Protichnites sp.  Also remains of crustaceans (?) (phyllocarids).” .   [Added November 5, 2021:]  A recent paper by Bicknell, Smith,  Schroeder,  Kimmig (2020) deals with Chapman’s (1925) comment on Wade’s specimen 267, shown in his plate VII and  Chapman’s  comment that the specimen shows the “remains of crustaceans (?) (phyllocarids).”  Bicknell et al. generously comment that “there is a small degree of morphological similarity between [an 8mm x 6 mm structure on  Wade’s specimen 267]  and the possible phyllocarid resting trace” but conclude “the specimen’s prior identification as a ‘phyllocarid’ and its similarity to a body fossil is simply a case of pareidolia..” They reach that conclusion in part because they assign the rocks to the Mesoproterozoic, well before the accepted age for the origin of Euarthropoda.  They conclude “the ‘phyllocarid’ likely represents scoring or scouring of the bedding surface.” 

   The specimen shown in Plate VIII  bears Dr. Wade’s specimen Number 266.  Later in the separate publication Chapman added the note “266 . . A large slab, circ . 32 x 28 cm. of a fine sandy shoreline sediment  (finely stratified), with numerous casts (negative) of linear tracks, presumably of crustaceous origin.”

It is not clear to me how to classify all of the features shown in Dr. Wade’s  three Plates VII, VIII, and XI .  Öpik (1957b) suggested ice-crystal casts.  Sweet (1977) suggested skip and prod casts caused by current scour.   A few of the textures look like discoidal bumps and pits that have been classed as biogenetic on some Ediacaran slabs (e.g.,  Beltanelliformis m. and b.), some of the linear features resemble  microbially induced sedimentary structures, and some features (particularly on Plate VII) resemble various Edicaran tube fossils or odd Ediacaran fossils that are a series of rods or lobes.

 Öpik (1957b) commented that he had “observed ice-crystal casts in the sediments of the Upper (or Middle?)  Precambrian Warramunga Group at the Skipper Extended Mine at Tennant Creek, and Wade (1924, pl VII, VIII, and XI) illustrated similar forms as Lower Cambrian fossils (undetermined) from Mt. John, Osmond Range, Western Australia.”    While at least one other person  has written about and figured supposed fossil ice crystal casts (Udden, 1918),   Öpik’s  suggestion of  “ice-crystal casts”  doesn’t appear apt, particularly for Plates VII and XI.

Sweet (1977) commented that  Wade’s  (1924) “supposed trace fossils ...  have not been proved to be organic markings” and that he had observed  similar markings in much older rocks which “are best described as skip and prod casts because they are preserved in coarse siltstone and fine sandstone beds overlying the fine siltstone or shale beds. It is probable that they were caused by current scour of mud laminae.”   Sweet’s figured specimen looks like features in Wade’s plates VII, VIII, and XI.   Further, Wade’s plates VII, VIII, and XI show features that are similar to turbidite skip and prod casts in Plate II in Spotts And Weber (1964 ).

Would all of the structures on Plates VII, VIII, and XI be classed as skip and prod casts, or are some microbially induced sedimentary structures or biogenic fossils?    Dr. Arthur Wade’s specimens would be worth a closer look by a Paleontologist.

Dr. Arthur Wade’s Plate XII 

Chapman (1925): Plate XII.  Lower Cambrian Quartzite  (current-bedded).  Probably  of shallow water origin.    With deep  imprints,  probably made by grovelling crustacea (trilobites).  Elcho Island, Northern Territory.

[Both Cloud (1959, page 940) and Fortey (2010) describe ‘grovelling’ trilobites.]   This specimen looks Cambrian (possibly Scolithos?).

A List of Dr. Wade’s Specimens

Chapman (1925) provides a Preliminary Report on the over three hundred numbered specimens collected by Dr. Arthur Wade, including fifteen  that are identified as “Lower Cambrian or even Algonkian”.  The specimens numbered 266,  267,  275 and 337 are shown in Plates VIII, VII, IX and  XII.   It is not clear which specimens are shown in Plate X (Mt. John)  and XI (Auvergne Station) .

I believe that all of the following specimens merit re-examination.   Below I provide Chapman's (1925) description.

Nos. in Wade
Locality . — Flora Valley .
Age.— Lower Cambrian or even Algonkian.
247 . . Missing .
248 . . Trail of  polychaete .

Locality . — Osmond Range, Mount John, Kimberley .
Age.— Palaeozoic . Lower Cambrian or even Algonkian.
266 . . A large slab , circ. 32 x 28 cm . of  a  fine sandy shoreline sediment  (finely stratified) , with numerous casts (negative) of linear tracks, presumably of crustaceous origin .
267 . . (?) Trail of a seaweed and tracks of a (?) crustacean. Also tracks of Protichnites sp.  Also remains of crustaceans (?) (phyllocarids).
268 . . (? ) Trail of seaweed .
269 . . Tracks of organic  origin  and a vermiform impression .
270 . . (? ) Tracks of crustacean.
271 . . (? ) Tracks and castings.
272 . . Spine of a  (? ) crustacean and tracks of crustacea or  vermes.
273 . . Ripples marks in cross bedded  sandstone .
274 . . Fine grained sandstone with remains of (?) hymenocarid forms and (?) tracks. Pittings of latter in relief are monticules (negative) with radiating surfaces.
275 . . A cast of the body of a coiled  worm, (?) gephyrean, in laminated sandstone ,and lying on the bedded surface.

Locality.— Point Bristow, Elcho Island, Northern Territory.
Age .—Lower Cambrian or even Algonkian..
324 . . Fine laminated sandstone with (?) crustacean tracks.
325 . . Fine laminated ferruginous sandstone with (?) crustacean tracks.

Locality.— Cape Wilberforce, Elcho Island.
Ag e .— Lower Cambrian or even Algonkian.
330 . . Trails and tracks, (?) crustacean.

Locality.—South of Point Bristow and along coast of Elcho Island.
Age.— Lower Cambrian or even Algonkian.
337 . . Sandstone block with deep imprints, probably made by grovelling trilobites.

Those specimens would be worth examining.

References  to Dr. Arthur  Wade’s Specimens and to his Work in the Kimberley Region

Below I’ve provided a list of references plus extracts from the papers where Dr. Arthur  Wade’s specimens are referred to.  Dr. Arthur Wade’s paper on the Kimberley Region is cited in many scientific papers dealing with the formations and their structure.  I have only included the ones directly related to his Precambrian ( Ediacaran?)  fossils.

All recent papers that I have read that describe the discovery and promotion of the finding of Ediacaran fossils in Australia highlight the work of Reginald Sprigg, Mary Wade and Martin F. Glaessner and their colleagues, and overlook the work of  Dr. Arthur Wade.   I hope that this posting will bring Dr. Arthur Wade’s contributions to the attention of others.

I had been tempted to title this posting ‘Should Dr. Arthur Wade get equal Billings for the discovery of Precambrian fossils in Australia’, but thought better of it.

Christopher Brett
Ottawa, Ontario

Addendum ( July 25, 2019):  On July 24th I sent an email to the general enquiries email address for Geoscience Australia asking about the measurements of CPC 192, the specimen collected by Dr. Arthur Wade and named by Sprigg (1950) as Protoniobia wadea, Sprigg.  On July 25th  I received an email back from Natalie Schroeder, the Collection Manager for the Commonwealth Palaeontological Collection, at Geoscience Australia.  She told me “you are absolutely right, Reg Sprigg got his units of measurement wrong for CPC192 – the specimen measures 41 mm in diameter, not 4.1 mm!”

Addendum (July 23):  The photographed specimen in Plate VIII  bears Dr. Wade’s specimen Number 266.   Dr. Wade’s text accompanying the plate says it is 1/2 nat. size.  Chapman (1925) provides the following description of specimen 266:   “A large slab , circ. 32 x 28 cm ...”.    As measured in Wade’s Plate VIII the slab has dimensions 13 cm x 11 cm if measured parallel to the edges of the photo, and the dimensions 15 cm x 14 cm if measured diagonally on the specimen.  The slab in Wade’s  photo is roughly ½ the size of Chapman’s measurements, and supports my suspicion that Sprigg’s measurements for Protoniobia wadea should be in cm not mm.

Addendum (November 5-6, 2021):        
A recent paper by Bicknell, Smith,  Schroeder,  Kimmig (2020) deals with Chapman’s  (1925) comment on Wade’s specimen 267, shown in his plate VII.  Chapman had commented that the specimen shows the “ remains of crustaceans (?) (phyllocarids).”  Bicknell et al. generously note that “there is a small degree of morphological similarity between [a small structure in Wade's photo] and the possible phyllocarid resting trace” but conclude “the specimen’s prior identification as a ‘phyllocarid’ and its similarity to a body fossil is simply a case of pareidolia.”, in part because they assign the rocks to the Mesoproterozoic, well before the accepted age for the origin of Euarthropoda.   [Pareidolia is the tendency for perception to impose a meaningful interpretation on a nebulous stimulus, usually visual, so that one sees an object, pattern, or meaning where there is none (Wickipedia).]  They conclude “the ‘phyllocarid’ likely represents scoring or scouring of the bedding surface.

They also suggest that “serious doubts have been raised regarding biological affinities” of Protoniobia wadea Sprigg, 1949, referencing Dunnet 1965, Cloud 1968, Dow & Gemuts 1969, Grey 1981a, 1981b, Lan & Chen 2012, noting that “Most authors consider P. wadea to represent a chert plate;”.

Bicknell, Russell; Patrick Mark Smith, Natalie Schroeder, Julien Kimmig, 2020
Reconsidering the 'phyllocarid' from the Wade Creek Formation.
Alcheringa An Australasian Journal of Palaeontology 44(4), 3 pages

References and Suggested Reading

Aitken,A.R.A. ;  S.A. Occhipinti, M.D. Lindsay, A. Joly, H.M. Howard, S.P. Johnson, J.
Hollis, C. Spaggiari, I.M. Tyler, T.C. McCuaig, M.C. M.C. Dentith, 2018
The tectonics and mineral systems of Proterozoic Western Australia: relationships
with supercontinents and global secular change. Geoscience Frontiers ,Volume 9, Issue 2, March 2018, Pages 295-316   doi: 10.1016/j.gsf.2017.05.0

Bland, B. H. 1984.
Arumberia Glaessner & Walter, a review of its potential for correlation in the region of the Precambrian - Cambrian boundary. Geol. Mag. Vol. 121. No. 6. p. 625 - 633.

Bofinger, Vivian Maxwell (1967)
Geochronology in the East Kimberley Area of Western Australia.   Thesis submitted in the Australian National University for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy

Calvera,Clive R., Kathleen Grey, and Martin Laan, 2010
The ‘string of beads’  fossil (Horodyskia) in the mid-Proterozoic of Tasmania.
Precambrian Research 180 (2010) 18–25

Chapman, F., 1925
The Wade Collection of Fossils – Description of Plates in report by Dr. A . Wade on the Petroleum Prospects of the Kimberley District of Western Australia and the Northern Territory,  and Preliminary Report by M r. F. Chapman, Palaeontologist, National Museum, Melbourne, on Fossils collected by Dr. A . Wade in the Kimberley District of Western Australia and the Northern Territory. Melbourne: Government Printer. 10 pages
Cloud, Preston E. Jr., 1959
Paleoecology: Retrospect and Prospect, Journal of Paleontology, Vol. 33, No. 5 (Sep., 1959), pp. 926-962

Cloud, P.E., 1968.
Pre-Metazoan evolution and the origins of the metazoa. In: Drake, E.T. (Ed.), Evolution and Environment. Yale University Press, New Haven and London, pp. 1–72.

David, Sir  T. W. Edgeworth, 1928
Notes on newly discovered fossils in the Adelaide series (Lipalian?), South Australia.  Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Australia, vol. 52, pp 191-209, plates 13-18   

Dong, L., Xiao, S., Shen, B., and Zhou, C., Jan 2008
"Silicified Horodyskia and Palaeopascichnus from upper Ediacaran cherts in South China: tentative phylogenetic interpretation and implications for evolutionary stasis. Journal of the Geological Society. 165: 367–378. doi:10.1144/0016-76492007-074.

Dow , D.  B.  and  I.  Gemuts, 1969
Geology   of   the   Kimberley   Region,  Western   Australia:   The   East   Kimberley. Bureau of Mineral Resources Geology and Geophysics, Commonwealth of Australia,    Bulletin  No.  106

Dunnet, D. and  K.A. Plumb. 1964
Explanatory  notes on the Lissadell 1:250,000 geological sheet, SE. 52-2. Western Australia.

Dunnet, D.,   1965
A new occurrence of proterozoic “jellyfish"from the Kimberley Region, Western Australia.
Bureau of Mineral Resources Geology and Geophysics, Commonwealth of Australia. 10 pages

Fedonkin, Mikhail A., 2003
The origin of the Metazoa in the light of the Proterozic fossil record.  Paleontological Research 7(Mar 2003):9-41     DOI: 10.2517/prpsj.7.9

Fedonkin, Mikhail A.,  Gehling, J.G.,  Grey K.,  Narbonne, G, and  Vickers-Rich, P.  2007 -
The Rise of Animals: Evolution and Diversification of the Kingdom . Baltimore: The John Hopkins University Press.  331 pages

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-  Strusz (1992), in that  catalogue of Type specimens, commented:
Rejected  from  the  Coelenterata: 
Protoniobia  wadea  SPRIGG,  1949 
CPC  192: HOLOTYPE  (impression  on  bedding  plane)  - WADE,  1924, pl. IX, CHAPMAN,  1924, p.  9.    SPRIGG, 1949,  pp.  77-79,  text-fig.  2E, pi. IX,  fig.  1.    HARRINGTON  &  MOORE,  1956, p. F159, Fig.  131. 
Locality:  Mount  John,  Osmond  Range,  Kimberley  district,   Western  Australia. 
Horizon:"Lower  Cambrian  Flags". 
Age:   Early  Cambrian.  ("Lower  Cambrian  or  even  Algonkian"  -  Chapman,  1924). 
Remarks:   Originally  thought by  Chapman  to be  a  "...  coiled  (?)  gephyrean  or unsegmented  worm",  and  then  by  Sprigg  to  be  a  hydrozoan.    Harrington   &  Moore  rejected  both  interpretations   - “Here  interpreted  as a concretion, inorganic."

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Sunday, 30 June 2019

A Chronology of References to Aspidella terranovica from its Discovery by Murray, Naming in 1872 by Billings, Through the Initial Period when it was Recognized as a Fossil, Through the Decades when it was Dismissed as an Inorganic Concretion or Gas Escape Structure, to its Resurrection in the late 20th Century, and Crowning in 2000 as the First Named Ediacaran Body Fossil

Below is a chronological list of references to Aspidella terranovica, Billings from its discovery to its acclamation as the First Named Ediacaran Body  Fossil in 2000.

- in  1868  Alexander Murray collects some “obscure organic remains” from slates near St. John’s Newfoundland which he believes belong to the “Huronian system in Canada” noting that he had long had some in his possession  (Murray, 1869)

- on January 29, 1872 Elkanah Billings delivers a talk before the Natural History Society of Montreal entitled ‘On some supposed fossils from the Huronian Rocks of Newfoundland.’ 

- a report of Billings talk appears in the March, 1872 edition of the American Journal of Science and Arts  [Amer. Jour. Science, Series 3, Volume 3, No. XV, 223-224,], with the title ‘Fossils from the so-called Huronian of Newfoundland,’ states “The fossils of the Huronian are of two species.  One is a broad ovate (6 lines long by 5 broad), with a ring-like border, inside of this a groove, and the interior raised roof-like, with an angular ridge or crest along the middle.  In allusion to the shield-like form, a little like an oblong Patella, it is named by Billings Aspidella Terranovica.  Two specimens occur on one slab of stone.”           

- a  report of Billings’ talk is  published in April, 1872 in the Canadian Naturalist and Quarterly Journal of Science (Volume  6, New Series, Part 3, page 343):  “These supposed organisms, as they are provisionally regarded, belong to two species, or at any rate present two kinds of appearances, but their affinities are at present exceedingly doubtful. A discussion ensued as to the age of the rocks in which these supposed fossils were found, Mr. Billings maintaining (with Mr. A. Murray, the Director of the Geological Survey of Newfoundland), that they are of Huronian age, and Dr. T. Sterry Hunt, that they are of a newer horizon, and belong to the base of the Primordial zone.”

- The next issue of the Canadian Naturalist and Quarterly Journal of Science (Volume  6, New Series, Part 4),  published in August, 1872, contains a paper by Sterry Hunt (1872) where he discusses Murray’s work in Newfoundland and mentions Aspidella terranovica, commenting (page 437) that the rocks  “yielded two species of organic forms, lately described by Mr. Billings. One of these is an Arenicolites ... and the other a patella-like shell, to which he has given the name of Aspidella Terranovica. [Amer. Jour. Science, III, iii, 223.] These, from their stratigraphical position, have been regarded as Huronian”

- The same issue of the Canadian Naturalist and Quarterly Journal of Science (Volume  6, New Series, Part 4) published in August, 1872 contains Billings (1872; 478-479) description of Aspidella terranovica, under the subheading ‘Fossils in the Huronian Rocks’:

“These are small ovate fossils five or six lines in length and about one-fourth less in width. They have a narrow ring-like border, within which there is a concave space all round. In the middle there is a longitudinal roof-like ridge, from which radiate a number of grooves to the border. The general aspect is that of a small Chiton  or Patella, flattered by pressure. It is not probable, however, that they are allied to either of these genera.

Associated with these are numerous specimens of what appear to be Arenicolites spiralis, a fossil that occurs in a formation lying below the primordial rocks in Sweden. These fossils were first discovered by A. Murray, Esq., F.G.S., in 1866. Other specimens were collected by Capt. Kerr, R,N., Mr. Howley and Mr. Robertson.

They occur near St. Johns, in the Huronian. A more detailed description will be given hereafter.

- Murray (1873) in his Report upon the geological survey of Newfoundland for the year 1872, mentions (at page 691) that “The discovery of fossil forms in the Huronian rocks of St. John's, which were recently examined and described by Mr. Billings of the Geological Survey of Canada, is not only a new and interesting geological fact, but is also of much value to the explorer while following out the structure, as it appears to mark a particular zone or horizon of the formation”; includes Billings’ full description of Aspidella terranovica (page 698); mentions (page 698) that “the presence of the Aspidilla is frequently of marked value as an indicator of the horizon”; and reports that  “the past year similar organisms were found in equivalent strata in Trinity Bay, at several parts of the valley of the Rocky River, and at Ferryland, shewing its wide range laterally; in some cases literally covering extensive surfaces of the rock with forms large and small, while in others they were found scantily sprinkled here and there in isolated individual

- Ramsay (1873) considered Aspidella to be a Precambrian fossil.

 -Billings (1874) in Palaeozoic Fossils, Volume II, Part 1, repeats his description of Aspidella terranovica and includes his drawing (but rotated).

-  Sterry Hunt (1875a, 1875b) considered Aspidella and Arenicolites to be “organic remains” and “organic forms”.
- Dawson was not consistent as to his views on Aspidella, describing it as “The curious limpet-like objects” (1875a, 1875b), ‘the problematical Aspidella...that may have been a mollusk, allied to Patella, or some obscure form of crustacean’ (1875c), ‘peculiar fossils,” (1878), "the uncertain fossils described by Billings as Aspidella" (1888),   “The peculiar fossils’ and “ the doubtful fossils”(1889).   A number of Dawson’s papers  figure one of Billing’s drawings of Aspidella.

- Dana in his Manual of geology (1875,  Second Edition; 1880, Third Edition; 1894, Fourth Edition) considered Aspidella to be “Of undetermined relations” and “a fossil of uncertain relations”.

- While Nicholson (1876) called  them “certain problematical limpet-shaped fossils”, White and Nicholson (1878) described Aspidella as “curious fossils”, noting that the “the affinities of [Aspidella]  are uncertain.”

- Hitchcock (1877)  had an interesting interpretation, possibly following Dawson (1875c),  stating that “The Aspidella bears some resemblance to the limpet-shell or Patella, while it may have been some variety of crustacean.”
- Miller (1877) considered Aspidella to be a fossil putting it in the Class Pteropoda, but grouped it under Incertae sedis  (Latin for "of uncertain placement").  Pteropoda are specialized free-swimming pelagic sea snails and sea slugs– marine gastropods.
- Milne and Murray (1877) mention that rocks that they identify as Huronian in age “are remarkable as containing fossils. The fossils are Aspidella terranovica, together with traces of organisms like Arenicolites.”

- Murray (1880) in report on a gold occurrence in Newfoundland mentions that the “The rock formation intersected by these auriferous quartz veins is of Huronian or Intermediate age, belonging to Division C of Report for 1868, or the group of strata next below the Aspidella slates of St. John's,” and the reference to the gold being in rocks below the Aspidella slates is repeated in Murray (1881), Anonymous (1881a, 1881b, 1882),  Becker (1885)
- 1881: Geological survey of Newfoundland, a 536-page compilation of the annual reports 1864-1879  by Alexander Murray and James Patrick Howley is published.  It contains a few minor corrections and additions.

- Barrande (1881) mentions Aspidella in his treatise on Molluscs, but considered it  “de nature problématique” [Translation: of problematic nature]

- Tryon (1882) in volume 2 of his treatise on Mollusca noted that Miller had referred Aspidella to the Pteropoda , but commented that it is “a very doubtful fossil”.  Tryon figures one of Billings’ drawings.
- Murray (1882) in the Report of the Geological Survey of Newfoundland for the year 1881 (a) notes that the fossil Aspidella Terranovica offers “great facilities for the ready recognition of the Huronian when tracing out the structure”, (b) mentions numerous occurrences of the Aspidella slates, and c) includes Billings’ description of Aspidella in an Appendix together with Billing’s drawing (rotated).       

- Crié (1883) considered it a fossil
- Whitney and Wadsworth (1884) commented “To us, the general aspect of the fossil in question, as figured by Mr. Billings, is that of a concretion intersected by small irregular cracks, and much more resembling the so-called Septaria than anything organic.

- Whitney  and Wadsworth (1884) also remarked on the variation commenting that “Specimens of Aspidella sent us by Mr. Murray, however, do not resemble in any respect the fossil figured by Mr. Billings. There are several indistinct impressions on the fragment of rock, neither of them like that fossil, and none of them necessarily of organic origin, at least so far as we are able to discover. They look more like spray markings than anything else with which we are able to compare them.”

- Zittel (1885) classified Aspidella under Mollusca,  Unterklasse -  Pteropoda, Ordnung - Thecosomata,  Familie - Hyalaeidae, and put Aspidella in with a group of fossils that he considered “sind theils mangelhaft erhaltene, theils ungenügend charakterisirte silurische Genera.” [Translation: are partly poorly preserved, partly insufficiently characterized Silurian genera.], and made the same comments in the French language version published in 1887 (“sont des genres siluriens incomplétement conservé, ou insuffisament caractérisés”), but Aspidella was not mentioned in the English translation of his work published in 1900 

- Matthew (1885a, 1885b)   described Aspidella as an “organic form”.

-Laflamme (1885) figured one of Billings’ drawings of Aspidella and considered it a species,
- The American Committee for the International Geological Congress held in 1888 in London (Fraser, 1888;  Dana et al., 1891), of which Dana, Fraser, Hitchcock, Hunt, Pumpelly and Winchell were the committee members, commented “The Aspidella as a fossil is dismissed as a concretion intersected by small irregular cracks.”   (Likely following  Whitney and Wadsworth (1884).)  

- Miller (1889) includes Aspidella in Class Pteropoda, Familae Aspidellidae, provides a brief description of Aspidella, and figures one of Billings’ drawings of Aspidella
- Marcou (1890) commented that “the only specimen of an organic structure certain and indisputable is the Aspidella terranovica Billings, compared to a small Chiton or Patella, flattened by pressure.”

- Initially Walcott (1890, 1891) treated Aspidella as a fossil.

- Weston (1891  [1894] stated that “they were only concretions.”

- Almera (1891, according to Llopis Lladó, 1942; see also Unknown, 1916)  and Almera and Faura I Sans (1918) reported impressions of the fossils Medusite and Aspidella in the Cambrian rocks near Barcelona

- while Van Hise (1892) describes Aspidella as a fossil whose “organic origin can not be doubted” he also references Whitney and Wadsworth (1884) where “It is denied that Aspidella and Arenicolites are of organic origin”, but earlier had reviewed Murray’s 1868 reports on the Avalon rocks of  Newfoundland that Murray placed in the Huronian and commented “In one member of the group is a fossil, designated as Aspidella, of a low order of existence, which leads to the conclusion that the system is probably Cambrian.”    Van Hise (1895) repeated that Aspidella as a fossil  whose organic origin can not be doubted.  Van Hise and  Leith  (1909) were inconsistent stating  “The Aspidella of the Momable slates is probably of organic origin, but it may be questioned.”, mentioning that Murray had found the fossil Aspidella in Newfoundland, stating “An examination of the form known as Aspidella terranovica found in the Momable terrane of the Avalon series proved the supposed fossil to be a spherulitic concretion, and this removes it from among the possible pre-Cambrian forms of life.” and “ It contains two so-called fossils, Aspidella terranovica and Arenicolites spirales, but these have been held by Walcott not to be organic.”
- Howley  (1892) describes Aspidella as “an obscure fossil organism”  in the Report of the Geological Survey of Newfoundland for the year 1892 when he mentions a suites of slates “ that has been named the St. John’s slate,  or Aspidella slate, from the occurrence in it of an obscure fossil organism peculiar to these rocks in Newfoundland. It has been named by Billings Palaeontologist of the Canadian Geological Survey, Aspidella Terranovica. “

- de Launay (1894) viewed Aspidella and Arenicolites as “des organismes problématiques” [Translation:  problematic organisms]

- at the 1894 International Geological Congress held in Zurich, Renevier (1897) commented on the absence of well-characterized and undisputed fossils in the Precambria..  Winchell (1897) considered Aspidella to be a fossil, but Cambrian not Huronian.
- Weston (1896) comments that while  St. Johns  1874 he “collected several of the so-called Aspidella. These, together with all other specimens now in the Dominion Geological museum, vary so much in form and appearance that I am afraid they also will ultimately be classed with
the concretionary forms”
- Matthew, 1898 , in a note to Packard, wrote that he had “seen Aspidella terranovica in the museum at Ottawa and doubt its organic origin. It seems to me a slickensided mud concretion striated by pressure.”   He reported that he had “found similar objects in the Etcheminian olive-gray beds below the Saint John group”.   Later, when summarizing life in the Precambrian and Cambrian, Matthew (1912) makes no mention of Aspidella.

- Packard (1898), in the text of his speech, describes Aspidella as a mollusc, but in a footnote calls it a “supposed fossil” and refers to Matthews note doubting its organic origin and quotes Matthew’s statement that it is slickensided mud concretion striated by pressure.
- Weston (1899) commented that while Aspidella “looks somewhat like a crushed and distorted chiton... this also is one of those doubtful forms which will be looked at shyly by the paleontologist of the present day”

-  Walcott (1899) commented that Aspidella is “probably of organic origin but it may be questioned” and quoted Matthew’s (1898) note to Packard doubting its organic origin.   Walcott (1899)  in his Plate 27, which he described as  “Figures 7, 8. — Type specimens in collection of the Geological Survey of Canada.” figured  two specimens of Aspidella, which are now identified as GSC 221a and GSC 221b 

-  Walcott (1900) commented “A collection of the form known as Aspidella terranovica was made from the Momable terrane of the Avalon series. It proved the supposed fossil to be a spherulitic concretion, and this removes it from among the possible pre-Cambrian forms of life.” 
- Trouessart (1899) in an entry in ‘La grande encyclopédie’ considered it a Cambrian fossil

- While Billings stated “The general aspect is that of a small Chiton or Patella, flattened by pressure” and cautioned that “It is not  probable, however, that they are allied to either of these genera.”, this did not prevent some from classifying Aspidella as a patelloid shell, including Hutton  (1898 & 1902) .

- Garde (1900) described Aspidella as “bien qu'ayant l'aspect général d'un Chiton ou d'une Patelle, aplatis par la pression, n'étaient que des concrétions de vase striée par des mouvements mécaniques” [Translation:  but these, although having the general aspect of a Chiton or a Patelle, flattened by the pressure, were only concretions of mud striated by mechanical motions]

- De Lapparent (1900) commented that where some authors have wanted to see a mollusk, others viewed Aspidella as mere pressure effects.   De Lapparent (1906) made the same comments and added that it has been recognized as a spheroidal concretion.

- Walcott (1901) repeated that Aspidella is  inorganic in an article written in French [Translation: I was convinced on the spot that the Aspidella of Momable's schists are of inorganic origin] in a paper delivered at the the Eighth International Geological Congress at Paris held in 1900.

-  Roverto (1901) called Aspidella “al fossile molto problematico” [translation: the very problematical fossil]

- Sir Archibald Geikie (1902) called it a fossil, but Geikie (1903) on reviewing possible Precambrian fossils, makes no mention of Aspidella

- Merrill (1903) mentions that the Museum of the Geological Survey of Newfoundland, in St. John’s, has specimens of “Arenicolites and Aspidella from Newfoundland, Oldhamia radiata from Ireland.”

- Xambeu (1906) considered Aspidella to be a genera of Pterapods – pelagic molluscs, but Cambrian.
- Chamberlin and Salisbury (1907) in their textbook ‘Geology. Volume II, Earth History’ review life during the Proterozoic Era  and make no mention of Aspidella

- Solas (1909) commented ‘Aspidella is plainly organic’

- Charles Schuchert (1910) collects specimens of Aspidella from St. John’s, Newfoundland for the Yale University collection.  Schuchert and Dunbar study the rocks of Newfoundland, and  Schuchert and Dunbar (1934) author a publication entitled ‘Stratigraphy of Western Newfoundland’, which does not cover the rocks where Aspidella has been found, and accordingly make no mention of Aspidella.
- Walcott (1910) did not mention Aspidella  in his summary of Precambrian fossils.

-  in papers at the 1910 International Geological Congress in Stockholm, Matthew (1912) briefly reviews organic remains in the Precambrian making no mention of Aspidella,  Evans (1912) mentions Beltina and Chuaria but not Aspidella, and neither Sollas (1912) nor Sederholm (1912) mention Aspidella

- Blackwelder and Barrows (1911) in their text ‘Elements of Geology’ very briefly review life in the Proterozoic and make no mention of Aspidella

- Arldt (1912) considered Aspidella a fossil commenting “Auf der Halbinsel Avalon
kommen zusammen ... runde Schalen von Aspidella  vor, die wie flachgedrückte Käferschnecken (Chiton) oder Napf-schnecken (Patella) aussehen ; beide primitiven Ordnungen angehörend” [Translation:  On the Avalon peninsula  there are also round shells of Aspidella, which look like flattened beetle snails (chiton) or tortoise snails (patella); belonging to both primitive orders]

- Perret (1913) reviewed whether Aspidella was a fossil mollusc or concretion, but chose not to take sides.

- Wurm (1914) considered Aspidella to be a probable Precambrian organic remain,  commenting “Leider sind die Bemühungen, organische Reste zu finden, ziemlich erfolglos geblieben.  Nur aus den sog. Momable-Schichten ist von Billings ein Rest angegeben worden, den er Aspidella terranovica nennt und der wohl organischen Ursprungs ist.  Es handelt sich um ovale Körper, die in der Mitte einen auggewulsteten Ringe besitzen, von dem radiale Rinnen nach dem Rand ziehen.” [Translation: Unfortunately, efforts to find organic remains have been unsuccessful.   Only from the so-called  Momable layers has been given by Billings a remainder, which he calls Aspidella terranovica and which is probably of organic origin. These are oval bodies with rings in the middle, from which radial grooves run to the edge.]
- Cleland (1916) in his textbook ‘Geology, physical and historical’ reviewed life in the Proterozoic and made no mention of Aspidella

- Buddington (1919) considered  Aspidella to be a “possible fossil”.

- Walther (1919)  in his text ‘Allgemeine palaeontologie : I. Teil:  Die fossilien als Einschlüsse der Gesteine’ reviewed life in the Precambrian and made no mention of Aspidella
 - Dacqué (1921) considered Aspidella  to be an Algonkian organic remain.
- Grabau (1921) in his ‘A Text Book Of Geology Part II Historical Geology’ reviews precambrian rocks and evidence of life therein, and comments “On the Avalon Peninsula of eastern Newfoundland there is an extensive series of folded quartzites, slates, and other rocks only slightly metamorphosed, and carrying in some cases, indistinct organic remains.”

- Clark (1923) commented that he did “ not hesitate to state that he believes it inorganic in origin. A tentative explanation is that these structures represent the sites of vents from which gas escaped...”

- Ruedemann (1925) remarked that “Although Aspidella terranovica appears in some of the older textbooks as a Precambrian fossil, it seems to have early fallen under suspicion.  It is not any more cited by G. F. Matthew among the Upper Huronian Fossils of Newfoundland ... and Thomas H. Clark has more recently ... declared these structures to be inorganic origin and probably marking the sites of vent so escaping gas.”
- Metzger (1927) considered Aspidella, like Walcott’s Chuaria, to be  “Fraglicher Natur” [Translation: of questionable nature]

 - David (1928) appeared to follow Walcott, commenting  “Aspidella terranovica, Billings, from Momable slates, Newfoundland, probably inorganic.”
- Windhausen (1931) considered  Aspidella  to be a fossil whose organic character was beyond doubt.

- Dr. Morley Wilson (1931), according to Hofmann (1971), gives no opinion as to whether Aspidella is organic or inorganic, and “quotes Matthew’s (1898) opinion”

- Roy (1932) considered Aspidella to be an obscure fossil.
- Schuchert and Dunbar (1933) in their Textbook of geology, Part II, Third Edition,  review life in the Precambrian and make no mention of Aspidella

- Dacqué (1935) in his text Organische Morphologie und Paläontologie mentions Aspidella at pages 311 and 314 in his review of Precambrian life, but those pages are not available on Google

- Dr. Morley Wilson (1939) commented that “Aspidella terranovica is a small ovate form discovered by Murray ... and named by Billings.  G.F. Matthew, according to a quotation from a letter published by A.S. Packard, has stated that Aspidella seemed to him to be ‘a slickensided mud concretion striated by pressure’”

- von Bubnoff (1941) includes one of Walcott’s drawings of Aspidella in his figure 38 –  Präkambrische Reste aus Nordamerika [Translation: Precambrian remains from North America]
- Miller (1942) in his text ‘An Introduction To Historical Geology’ briefly reviews Proterozoic life, but makes no mention of Aspidella

- Raymond (1947) reviewed the evidence of life in the Pre-Cambrian and did not mention Aspidella.

- Rankama (1948) commented “Since the structures of Eozoon canadense, Aspidella terranovica, Atikokania lawsoni and A. irregularis have been proved to be of inorganic origin, the role of the so-far oldest remains of life may be attributed to the calcareous algae of the genus Collenia, described by Fenton...”

- Hayes (1948) commented that collection of the form known as Aspidella from the Momable terrane of the Avalon series “proved the supposed fossil to be a spherulitic concretion, and this removes it from among the possible pre-Cambrian forms of life.”

- Dunbar (1949) in his textbook ‘Historical Geology’ reviewed life before the Cambrian and made no mention of Aspidella

- Kuhn (1949) in his Lehrbuch der Paläozoologie, discusses the fossil Patella and comments “Aspidella, steht Patella nahe, Algonkium”, which I translate as ‘Aspidella from the Algonkian [now, Proterozoic]  is close to Patella’.

- an author (Unknown, 1949)    in a a review of life in the Precambrian, classified Eozoon canadense, Aspidella terranovica and  Atikokania Lawsoni as “les accidents minéralogiques” [translation:  mineralogical accidents]
- Moore (1951) in his text ‘Historical Geology” reviews life in the Cryptozoic Eon, and makes no mention of Aspidella.

- Rose (1952) commented that “The possible fossil Aspidella has been declared an inorganic concretion,”

- Richards (1953) commented “Aspidella terranovica is a small ovate form discovered by MURRAY in the Momable slates of the Avalonian series of Newfoundland and named by BILLINGS. G. F. Mattews, according to a quotation from a letter published  by A. S. PACKARD, has stated that Aspidella seemed to him to be "a slickensided mud concretion striated by pressure" rather ... the mode of origin of Aspidella has not been discussed since its discovery was announced by MURRAY in 1872.”

- Whittard (1953) reviewed the evidence of life in the Precambrian and did not mention Aspidella

- Schindewolf (1956), according to Hofmann (1971), described Aspidella as “Diagenic; pressure cones or buckling through escaping gas bubbles”;

- von Bubnoff (1956, Third edition) again includes one of Walcott’s drawings of Aspidella in his figure 38 – Präkambrische Reste aus Nordamerika [Translation Precambrian remains from North America]

- Dr. Alice E. Wilson (1957) commented “Billings (1873, 1874) described and illustrated by drawings (not photographs) some forms from the “Huronian” near St. John’s, Newfoundland.  He named them Aspidella terranovica. ... Aspidella terranovica is still in storage. No tests were ever made upon the specimens.    Matthew (1898) in a letter to A. S. Packard states that ‘Aspidella terranovica appears to be a slickensided mud concretion striated by pressure.’  Walcott (1899) figures a specimen as questionably Aspidella though elsewhere he cites Matthew’s opinion, and suggested that ‘they may be spherulitic concretions.’  The form has not been mentioned in the literature since.”

- Shevyrev’s (1962) review of reported occurrences of Precambrian fossils did not  reveal “evidence of metazoan life other than the impressions of soft-bodied organisms of the Ediacaria fauna (S. Australia) and the similar fossils at Charnwood Forest (England) and in the Nama Series of Southwest Africa.”

- Häntzschel (1962) describes Aspidella under the heading ‘Fossils Probably of Inorganic Origin’ as follows: Aspidella Billings, 1872 [*A. terranovica]. Small, ovate, narrow ringlike border; having general aspect of small Patella flattened by pressure (Schindewolf, 1956) .  [Regarded by Matthew (1898) as slickensided mud concretion striated by pressure; somewhat similar to Guilielmites Geinitz.].

- Häntzschel (1962) figures Walcott’s two photographs of Aspidella (namely GSC 221a  and GSC 221b) rather than Billings’ drawing. 

-  Later in that publication Häntzschell (1962) describes “Guilielmites Geinitz, 1858 ... Ellipsoidal bodies, 1 or 2 cm. in diameter; ...most authors ...  consider them to be of inorganic origin (concretions or similar diagenetic structures);” and his photographs of Guilielmites on plate 147 resemble Aspidella

 - Glaessner (1962), according to Hofmann (1971), described Aspidella as inorganic; 

- Häntzschel (1965), according to Hofmann (1971), described Aspidella as “inorganic; pressure cone or gas bubble;”

- Cowie (1967) reviewed life in Pre-Cambrian and early Cambrian times, but did not mention Aspidella

- Cloud (1968) in an Appendix entitled ‘Some Reported Precambrian Metazoa and Parazoa of Dubious Age or Nature’, lists Aspidella Billings with the interpretation “Compaction and spall marks.”

- R. D. Hughes , according to Hsu (1972),  considered that Aspidella was a jellyfish comparable with the medusoid of the late Precambrian Ediacara fauna of South Australia described by Glaessner and Wade (1966, 1968),  [ Hughes and Greene had a grant to study “Aspidella terranovica Billings - a Precambrian medusa?” – See Anonymous (1964) ; and note that Hughes and Greene collected a specimen of Aspidella terranovica, GSC type 24371, that is figured in Hofmann (1971 & 1992)]

- McCartney (1967) notes that Murray and Howley had mapped rocks in the area he was mapping “as the Aspidella slates”, but does not comment on Aspidella
- Bruckner (1969) commented “In these shale-sandstone alternations, Aspidella terranovica Billings is found; it is uncertain, however, whether these jellyfishlike imprints are true fossils or phenomena of inorganic origin (Hantzschel, 1962, p. 232).”
- Goldring (1969) commented “Anderson and Misra mention the doubtful Aspidella trerranovica Billings. This though common, is  definitely inorganic. Sectioning shows that many specimens are water or gas -escape structures. Others are partly attributable to the manner in which the highly lithified clay and silt grade rock has parted along a changing stratigraphic level, particularly around load and scour structures.”   Goldring , according to Hsu (1972), had examined Hsu’ s collection of specimens of Aspidella before asserting that they were load structures and definitely not fossils.

- Misra (1969) mentions “the doubtful fossil Aspidella terranovica Billings from the St. John's Formation", and described "Leaf-Shaped Organisms" comprised of “three parts: a main body having leaf-shaped structure (Pls. 3B and 6D) and needle-shaped projection (Pls. 1D,7A, and Fig. 2) ; an stalk (Pls. 4B and 6D); and a round base attached to the stalk." ..."The animals in some cases were broken from the base and moved slightly in the direction of the currents, leaving the disc-shaped base behind (Pl. 1H)"

- Unknown (1970) commented “Autoren erwähnte Aspidella terranovica Billings 1872 gennant, die sicher anorganishchen Ursprungs ist.  Sie wurde schon vor langem als Druckkegel oder Gasblasenkrater gedeutet.” [Translation: the authors mentioned Aspidella terranovica Billings 1872, which is certainly of inorganic origin. It was long ago interpreted as pressure cone or gas bubble crater]

- Hofmann (1971) provides a table summarizing earlier references to Aspidella, noting that “the structures have been variously interpreted as organic (mollusks, crustaceans) and inorganic (striated concretions, sites of gas vents, pressure cones, gas bubble craters, spall marks)”, and  provides a photograph showing an aspidella-like radial pattern with medial ridge produced experimentally.  He concluded that “The elongation of Aspidella can reasonably be attributed to tectonic deformation, and the structure itself can be interpreted to mechanical origin resulting from differential movement of mud”, summarizing his observations as “of mechanical origin; focussed surfaces of rupture.”

- Hofmann (1971) includes  photographs of  GSC 221a and GSC 221b, the specimens figured by Walcott (1899)  in  Plate 27, Figures 7, 8 as, Hofmann (1971)  Plate 5, figures 2 and 3, noting  that these two specimens “which may not belong to the ‘species’ but are labelled Aspidella terranovica, are in the same collection as the plastotype.”

- Hsu (1972), in an unpublished thesis, divided the Aspidella like markings and associated concentric discs into six types based on morphological features (such as relief, size, shape, number of concentric rings, central longitudinal groove, and radial lines), notes that “The markings are round to elliptical in shape and both forms may occur on the same surface...The elliptical forms clearly show a preferred orientation on bedding surfaces.... The author considers that the elongation represents stretching due to tectonic deformation;”, notes that “There is transition in morphology between the six types;” and concluded that “Aspidella terranovica Billings 1872 and associated surface markings ... are considered to be inorganic sedimentary structures such as load casts and gas- or water-escape structure”

-  Häntzschel (1975) commented “Ovate structures, up to 3 by 4 cm. in size; rooflike ridge in central area of ellipse, with fine radial ridges and grooves extending to periphery; narrow ringlike border; mostly on bedding planes all oriented in one direction; having general aspect of small Patella flattened by pressure. [BILLINGS (1872) regarded Aspidella as fossil; MATTHEW (in PACKARD, 1898) interpreted it as slickensided mud concretions striated by pressure; WALCOTT (1899) and VAN HISE & LEITH (1909) were doubtful whether organic or inorganic; regarded by SCHINDEWOLF (1956) as inorganic and identical with Guilielmites GEINITZ;  according to GOLDRING (1969), partly attributable to water- or gas-escape structures and interpreted by CLOUD (1968) as compaction and spall marks; according to HOFMANN (1971) inorganic, focused surfaces of rupture; for detailed discussion, complete summary of references, and various interpretations, see HOFMANN (1971, p. 16). ”

- in an article in a Polish journal published in 1977, Kozlowska-Koch commented “The doubtful genera Aspidella Billings from the Precambrian of Newfoundland and Chuaria Walcott, which on account of their form and size were originally regards as belonging to the forminifera, turned out to be concretions as well.”

- Williams and King (1979) report on the Mistaken point fauna of the  Trepassey  map  area, mentioning that  “Disc-like impressions are of several varieties (Fig. 14C). Most are comparable with Charniodiscus concentricus Ford (1958), from the Precambrian Charnian succession of Leicestershire. A rather rare variety at Mistaken Point, with numerous concentric annulations, bears close resemblance to an impression in the Charnwood succession described by Ford (1968, p. 13) and thought to resemble Cyclomedusa davidi Sprigg, which is found in the Ediacara fauna of Australia as well. Disc-like forms with radial depressions (Fig. 14B) are probably medusoid impressions.  Frond-like impressions at Mistaken Point, which resemble Charnia masoni Ford (1958), are in places joined by a stalk to the disc-like forms (Charniodiscus), and thus may represent one organism (Fig. l 4E). The disc presumably represents a circular anchorage for the once-upright frondlike form.”

- Williams and King (1979) also discuss the Fermeuse Formation and mention that "Circular structures on bedding surfaces, from 1 to 10 cm diameter, were previously interpreted as the trace fossil Aspidella terranovica Billings, 1872. These occur toward the top of the formation with the best examples in the map area at Clear Cove on the north side of Fermeuse Harbour."

- the author (Unknown, 1979) of  a paper on the Jodhpur Group of rocks, India, commented “Our specimens compare well, at least superficially, with Aspidella Billings, 1872– a “fossil” probably of inorganic origin but these do not display the characteristic radial patterns of Aspidella"

- Yochelson (1979a), in an article summarizing Walcott’s career, reports on Walcott’s examination of Aspidella in Newfoundland and appears to endorse Walcott’s view that Aspidella is inorganic

- Yochelson (1979b) mentions both Aspidella and Aspidellidae in his review of Mollusca and Mollusc-like Groups

- Ford (1979) reviews Ediacaran Metazoans, but does not mention Aspidella

- Brasier (1979) reviews the Edicaran medusoids, including those from Newfoundland, and does not mention Aspidella

- King (1980) commented that "Aspidella terranovica, Billings, 1872, present in the shales, is thought to be inorganic although some of the larger varieties may be medusoid impressions."

- Goldring (1980) stated that the “medusa Aspidella” was “la estructura de un excape de aqua o de gas” [translation: an escape structure for water or gas]

- The Geological Association of Canada (Anderson  and King, 1980)  had  a field trip with a stop at  Ferryland where “Numerous examples of the pseudo-fossil Aspidella terranovica Billings, up to 6 cm in diameter, can be seen on bedding surfaces of steeply east-dipping shales of the St. John’s Group.”   

- Hofmann (1981) in his review of the 70's makes no mention of Aspidella, but in his discussion of megafossils discusses new occurrences of large medusoids

- Kauffman and Steidtmann (1981, page  925)  reviewed Precambrian trace fossils and commented “g, small subcircular structures, Aspidella terranovica Billings, interpreted by Hofmann (1971, Pl 4, figs. 1-6) as having been mechanically produced except for one unique specimen with concentric “wrinkles” and a coiled apex having apparent characteristics of simple mollusks (fide, Walcott, 1899, Pl. 27, fig.  7); this trace has never been explained.”

- Vidal  (1984) reviews Precambrian life (stromatolites; Gurich, Namibia; Sprigg, Australia) and does not mention Aspidella

- Crimes (1984) commented “Aspidella is a case in point: it occurs very widely and is abundant at certain late Precambrian stratigraphic levels in Newfoundland and has been referred by some to gas bubbles and by others to a mechanical origin. But why …”

- Glaessner (1984, p. 93-97) in a review of Precambrian fauna covers Newfoundland highlighting the Mistaken Point Formation and discusses the disc-like impressions, but does not mention Aspidella

- Cloud (1985) stated that “Walcott (1883) reported the first genuine body fossil ever to be described from pre-Phanerozoic rocks.  He referred to it as ‘a small Dicinoid shell,’ named 16 years later (Walcott, 1899) as Churaria circularis,...”    Cloud  makes no mention of Aspidella.

- Sun (1986) comments that “The type species C. davidi Sprigg and C. radiata Sprigg are considered as a single species because of differences due to preservation.”

- Hofmann (1987) commented “Although simple metazoans may have been found early on in the Newfoundland succession (Aspidella, Billings, 1872), these have been regarded as doubtful by many workers, but they should be restudied to ascertain whether they are not, indeed, real fossils.”

- Landing et al. (1988) in papers on and a Field Trip in the Avalon Peninsula to look at Ediacaran and Cambrian fauna and trace fossils have a stop at Ferryland where “numerous examples of the pseudofossil Aspidella terranovica Billings, 1872, are present on bedding surfaces of steeply eastdipping shales of the St. John’s Group,”  and figure a “disc-like form with concentric annulations” from the Mistaken Point Formation

- Conway Morris (1989)  mentions the “medusoid-like ?pseudofossil Aspidella terranovica” and the “pseudofossil Aspidella” from the Fermeuse Formation (St. John’s Group) near Ferryland, Avalon Peninsula

- Tchoumatchenco and  Sapunov (1989) report  finding Aspidella in marble in Bulgaria.
- Jenkins (1989) commented “It seems likely that Aspidella is organic (Jenkins 1989b)”

 - King (1990) reported “ problematical  circular  to  oval  markings   ...  They were interpreted by early workers as the trace fossil  Aspidella terranovica, Billings, 1872. A detailed account and discussion of  these  markings  is  in  Hsu  (1972). ...  Commonly associated  with  Aspidella are  larger  disc-like  varieties  that resemble  holdfasts;  some  forms  may  be  medusoid  impressions.”    King (1990) also commented on the ‘Mistaken Point Formation' noting it was “profusely fossiliferous  having a variety of frond-like and disc-like impressions”

- McMenamin and Schulte McMenamin (1990) review Ediacaran fauna and make no mention of Aspidella

- Seilacher (1990) collects specimens of Aspidella from a roadcut on west side of Newfoundland Rt 10, immediately North of Ferryland Museum, Ferryland, for the Yale museum

- Hofmann et al. (1991) examined an assemblage of fossil discoids of variable morphology from the Miette Group, British Columbia, noting that they were “similar to a number of discoids such as  Chamiodiscus, Cyclomedusa, Medusinites, Paliella, Spriggia, and concentrically patterned forms from the Conception Group of Newfoundland illustrated by Walcott (1899, P1.27, fig. 7) as Aspidella terranovica; ... The specimen with radial markings illustrated by Walcott, however, does not have the morphology of typical A. terranovica, which exhibits a strong longitudinal roof-like ridge occupying the central portion at or near the position of the longer axis of the ellipse of each specimen; fine radial ridges and  grooves emanate not from a point or small central area as in Irridinitus but from along most of the length of the roof-like ridge.  Both genera may be closely related, and it is possible that  I. multiradiatus may eventually be shown to be a second species  of Aspidella. ...  Aspidella has been variously interpreted as both biologic and nonbiologic ... Hofmann (1971, 1972) regarded it as a dubiofossil, probably of mechanical origin. New materials found since then in Newfoundland, as well as collections of similar material from eastern Europe and the Rocky Mountains ...  suggest that a biological interpretation should be reconsidered for Aspidella.

- Hofmann (1992) in a short article entitled ‘Megascopic Dubiofossils’ describes a group of dubiofossils which “includes various discoidal markings, sometimes with indistinct radial patterns, resembling bona fide fossils” an example of which is Aspidella from Newfoundland.  He also mentions that “Although most authors have treated it as nonbiologic... the evidence now remains inconclusive...”.  He  includes a photograph of Aspidella terranovica from the St. John’s Group, Newfoundland (GSC type 24371) and states that “Aspidella needs restudy.”

- Schopf (1992) reviewed Ediacaran body fossils and did not mention Aspidella

- Jenkins (1992) commented "The widely occurring, supposed pseudofossil Aspidella terranovica Billings, 1872, present in intercalated thin sandstones and shales or ripple-bedded, flaggy sandstones near the top of the Fermeuse Formation, also show annulation and occasional radial structures similar to C. davidi, and a small central plug of sand (Conway Morris, 1989a) resembles the fill of attachment stalks of such sedentary, discoidal forms in the Flinders Ranges.   ... I believe that A. terranovica is probably organic (Jenkins, 1989), and that the larger discoidal forms associated with it in the Ferrylands areas may be equivalents of the "medusiform" remains of South Australia;"

- Farmer et al. (1992) describe an assemblage of discoidal megafossils, noting that “Preservational variations are conspicuous within many Ediacaran discoidal fossils, and some taxa ... have been applied very broadly.”  They do not mention Aspidella

- Runnegar (1992) in a table listing formally described species of Vendian soft-bodied metazoans that comprise the Ediacara fauna, includes
     - Aspidella costata, Vodanyuk, 1989, Olenyok Uplift
     - Aspidella hatyspytia, Vodanyuk, 1989, Olenyok Uplift
     - Aspidella terranovica, Billings,  1872, Newfoundland, pseudofossil  

- Reed et al. (1993 ) in a summary of the Precambrian in the Conterminous U.S., mention  medusa-like markings, and include a 77 page appendix on Precambrian Paleontology, but do  not mention Aspidella

- Fedonkin (1994) reviews Vendian body fossils and trace fossils, and makes no mention of Aspidella
- Myrow (1995) noted that “Problematic discoidal structures referable to Aspidella terranovica occur within the Fermeuse Formation of the St. John's Group. These problematica,  which have a central sandy plug and both annulations and rare radial structures, have been interpreted as both inorganic features (Hofmann, 1971 ; Conway Morris, 1989 ) and as substrate-attached medusoid body fossils (King, 1980; Jenkins, 1992 ).,”

-  Runnegar (1995) states that “The Ediacara ‘fauna’ was discovered independently in Newfoundland (Billings 1872), Namibia (Gürich 1929) and South Australia (Sprigg 1947), and then found in many other parts of the world (Glaessner 1984).  Ironically, the first Ediacaran fossil to appear in the scientific literature, Aspidella terranovica Billings 1872, was among the last to be admitted to the club.   Following a long tradition, Hofmann (1971) considered...”
- Crimes et al. (1995) commented “Similar structures, such as Aspidella terranovica Billings 1872, have been regarded as inorganic by some workers and described as water or gas escape structures or concretions (see Hofmann 1971, figure 5). Recent opinion is, however, more inclined to regard Aspidella ...”

- Fenton et al. (1996)  review Precambrian remains, with an extensive discussion of stromatolites, and mention Ediacara fauna, but do not mention Aspidella

- Crimes  and Fedonkin (1996) in a brief review of Proterozoic and Phanerozoic discs note that “structures have been recorded as Aspidella by Vodanjuk (1989) from the Khatyspyt Formation of the Olenik uplift, Siberia regarded as late Proterozoic” and mention “An example from the late Proterozoic of Newfoundland recorded as Aspidella terranovica, Walcott 1899", noting that “There is clearly a need for a thorough re-examination of all these circular structures...”

- Williams et al. (1996) mention that “Fossils of soft-bodied metazoans are present in the Trepassey Formation and the lowest part of the Fermeuse Formation.  A variety of problematic markings, including those named Aspidella terranovica (Billings, 1872) occur near the top of the Fermeuse Formation.  Some of these are concentric markings that resemble medusoid impressions, but they are probably inorganic in origin (Hsu, 1972).”

- McMenamin (1998) reviews Ediacaran fossils and notes that “The Precambrian fossil Aspidella has the same oval shape, and may represent a nongliding version of Vermiforma.”

- Clarkson (1998) reviews Ediacaran fauna and trace fossils and does not mention Aspidella

-  Thompson and Bailey (1998), according to Thompson and  Bowring (2000),  reported Aspidella in Argillite at Hewitts Cove, Hingham, Massachusetts

- Hofmann (1998) makes no mention of Aspidella in the text of his article summarizing Precambrian fossils of North America, includes Aspidella in his chart of Fossils and Dubiofossils but as a dubiofossil (Figure 4.1, Sheet 2, Occurrence 242), includes Billings’ papers on Aspidella in his Bibliography of occurrences of Fossils and Dubiofossils, and figures Ediacaria flindersi and small discs of Cyclomedusa or Charnodiscus as part of his paper

- Yochelson (1998), in his biography of Walcott, provides  Walcott’s diary entry when Walcott looked at Aspidella in the slates at Ferryland:  “A collection of the form known as Aspidella terranovica was made from the Momable terrane of the Avalon series. It prove the supposed fossil to be spherulitic concretion, and this removes it from among the possible pre-Cambrian forms of life” (Walcott 1900b, 5).   Yochelson added “That was a little tidbit to add to the store of knowledge”.

- Narbonne and Gehling (1998) presented a paper entitled ‘Is Aspidella the first described Ediacaran Body Fossil"

- Waggoner (1998), in an unpublished thesis, commented “Two decades later, Billings (1873, 1874) described Aspidella terranovica from Newfoundland, noting that it had been found as early as 1860.  Although considered at best a dubiofossil by most authorities since then (Walcott, 1899; Wilson, 1957; Hofmann 1982; Conway Morris 1989b), recent studies...   .  I have included in this analysis the “medusoid” Aspidella; this has often been considered a pseudofossil or dubiofossil, but the most recent studies...”

- Waggoner (1999) included Aspidella in his dataset of Ediacara biota and commented “Recently, Narbonne and Gehling (1998) have made what I believe to be a convincing case that the form Aspidella, which has been usually considered to be abiogenic, is a true fossil. Furthermore, it is so variable in morphology that these authors consider it the senior synonym of most of the “medusoid” taxa. This may well be correct, but much more careful work will be needed to work out the taxonomy of “medusoids,” which is already in some confusion.

- Hagadorn et al. (2000) reported “both discoidal and frondlike fossils comparable to Ediacaran taxa from the western edge of the Great Basin” and opined that “the taxonomy of simpler Ediacaran “medusoids’ is in of serious disarray; existing taxonomy is probably highly oversplit, and many, if not most, proposed ‘medusoid’ genera probably represent preservational variants of identical organisms (Jenkins, 1992; Narbonne and Gehling, 1998).”

- Cope (2000) commented that Aspidella had been “discussed by many authors and most have concluded that it was a pseudofossil; this view persisted until very recently following a major review by Hofmann (1971) but recently specimens have been found from the Avalon Peninsula of Newfoundland that show that  the genus bears considerable similarities to Cyclomedusa, and Aspidella has been re-interpreted as a benthic medusoid (Narbonne and Gehling, 1998) thus confirming Billings’ (1872) original contention that it was an animal fossil.”

-  Gehling, Narbonne, and Anderson (2000) in a paper entitled ‘The first named Ediacaran body fossil,  Aspidella terranovica’ report that they “examined thousands of specimen in the field and studied many hundreds of specimens in detail in the laboratory”, conclude that Aspidella represents a wide variety of preservational morphs, and confirm that it is a body fossil with organic origins.

Additional Comments

It is worth noting that:

- Sir William Logan retired as Director of the Geological Survey of Canada on  30 Nov. 1869, taking up residence in Wales, but returned to Canada a number of times including for a few months in 1871 when he assumed temporary directorship of the GSC

- Sir William Logan died on  June 22, 1875  (aged 77)

- Elkanah Billings died June 14, 1876 (aged 56) without having prepared a more detailed description of Aspidella terranovica
- Alexander Murray died  December 18, 1884 (aged 74)

Christopher Brett
Ottawa, Ontario

References and Suggested Reading

Most references are appended to my following two blog postings

Wednesday,  May 1, 2019
Photographs of GSC 221, one of Alexander Murray’s specimens of Aspidella terranovica, Billings 1872

Friday, March 8, 2019
Concentric Structures in the Sedimentary Rocks of Lanark County, Ontario that are identical to the Ediacaran Holdfast Aspidella

Additions since the original post are below.
McMenamin, Mark A. S.   (1998)
The Garden of Ediacara: Discovering the Earliest Complex Life.  Columbia University Press. 368 pages. 

Cloud, Preston E., Jr. ,1968
Pre-Metazoan evolution and the origins of the Metazoa. Chapter 1, pages 1-72 in  Ellen T. Drake, editor,  Evolution and Environment, Yale University Press, Princeton, New Jersey.  470 pp.