Sunday, 17 March 2019

Fossil Ripple Marks in Rocks Near Perth Ontario

Fossil ripple marks were formed by the movement of water or wind over sediment, and are useful for determining the direction of the current or wind, and the environment in which the ripples were formed.  For example, geologists and paleontologists can tell the direction of water flow and wind flow from the shape of asymmetric ripples, and from symmetric ripples deduce oscillating directions of water flow which suggests a near beach environment.  They can also differentiate between ripples formed by water and ripples formed by wind.

Below are photographs of loose specimens and bedrock at Tackaberry’s quarry located on highway 7 about two miles north of Perth, in Lanark County, Ontario.    The photographs show fossil ripple marks, primarily symmetric ripples,  that originally formed under water.    (However, when I was taking photographs I was mainly looking for ripples with curvilinear cracks in the ripple troughs or shrinkage cracks on the ripples.  I was not looking for asymmetric ripples.)

The first  photo shows  ripples in bedrock at the quarry.  Sam_27

The remainder of the photographs are of loose specimens  resulting from blasting at the quarry.
An interesting point about photographing loose specimens is that it is as likely that I photographed a bed top as a bed sole. 

The next two photos show a bed sole and a bed top of symmetric ripples, though probably not parts that match.  Sam_62 and Sam_63

The previous photo also shows the curvilinear cracks that formed in many ripple troughs in specimens found at the quarry.

The next photos show a crust on the ripples, that might result from a microbial mat: Sam_133 (a bed sole)  and 135 (a bed top).

The next photo show a number of superimposed thin beds with symmetrical ripples on the top beds and symmetrical ripples on the lower bed, with the two sets of ripples going in  different directions.  Sam_151

The next  photos, Sam_153 and 152,  are close ups of the above photo, the second showing polygonal shrinkage cracks in the ripples.

Geologic Map

Below is an extract from Ontario Geological Survey Map P. 2724 entitled Paleozoic Geology Perth Area, issued 1984, geology by D. A. Williams and R. R. Wolf, 1982, on which I’ve plotted the location of Tackaberry’s quarry and the location of the Glen Quarry where Climactichnites wilsoni was found by Dr. James Wilson of Perth, and named by Sir William Logan after Dr. Wilson.   The map puts Tackaberrry’s quarry within the March Formation, which is thought to be Lower Ordovician in age, and places the Glen Quarry within the Nepean Formation of the Potsdam Group .   

The upper bar scale on the map is in tenths of a mile and 1 mile.  The lower bar scale is in tenths of a kilometre and 1 kilometre.  The major faults are shown on the map, with the arrow indicating the downthrown side.   The legend shows that the letters PC on the map indicate undifferentiated Precambrian igneous and metamorphic rocks, that  the number 2 on the map indicates Nepean Formation sandstones of the Potsdam Group, and that the number 3 on the map indicates March Formation interbedded quartz sandstone, sandy dolostone and dolostone.

On the map I’ve also shown the approximate location of the Hands quarry that was described in 1931 by Dr. Morley Wilson of the Geological Survey of Canada.  While the Hands quarry is only two miles south of Tackaberry’s current quarry on Highway 7, and both are mapped as March Formation, the rocks at the two quarries are quite different.  The map shows that  a  fault  separates two blocks that have been mapped as March formation, with Tackaberry’s quarry falling on the western block and Hands quarry falling on the southeastern block.  The rocks at Hands quarry would be considered typical March Formation (or, more accurately, typical of parts of the March Formation).    I mentioned in my September 24, 2012 blog posting that the rocks at Tackaberry’s quarry  differ from other areas that have been mapped as March Formation.  I still hold that view.   The rocks at Tackaberry’s quarry are not typical March Formation, and  there might only be a veneer of March Formation.

In my September 24, 2012 blog posting I suggested ‘Drummond sequence’ for the block where Tackaberry’s quarry is located and suggested that the rocks appear to be much older than typical March Formation rocks.  I also mentioned that Sir William Logan had  reported that he had found Climactichnites and Protichnites at a quarry in Lot 6, Concession 3, Drummond Township, which would  fall within the Drummond Sequence.  However, my subsequent investigations (see my blog postings of  January 31, 2013 ,   February 11, 2013 and  May 6, 2013) showed that the Glen quarry is actually on Lot 3, Concession 3, Drummond Township, and falls in Cambrian Potsdam sandstone rather than within the Drummond sequence that has been mapped as Lower Ordovician March Formation.  On the below map I plotted the Glen quarry on Lot 3, Concession 3, Drummond Township on property owned by the Glen family at the time Dr. James Wilson found the tracks that Logan named Climactichnites wilsoni, and where I found a small quarry.

Ripple Marks at the Hands Quarry, Lanark County, Ontario

Dr. Morley Wilson is, I believe, the only person to have written a paper devoted to Ripple marks near Perth, Lanark County.  In a short paper published in 1931in the Canadian Field-Naturalist he described ripple marks in the March Formation (known in Dr, Morley Wilson’s time as the “Transition Beds”)  and included photographs of the ripple marks.  The ripple marks occurred in a quarry “on the farm of Mr. H. J. Hands, Lot 10, Concession II, Drummond Township, Lanark County”.    Morley Wilson also mentions that “ The quarry lies about 3 miles northeast of Perth and 300 yards north of the second line of Drummond which forms a part of the original stage road from Perth to Ottawa, ...”.  The second line of Drummond is more commonly called the Franktown Road and is shown on maps as County Road 10.    Jim Hands and his son Trevor both own  property on that lot and Concession, and Jim’s  property would be familiar to many Lanark residents as Jim and Trevor are well known auctioneers, and Jim has held many an auction on his property.

Morley Wilson  mentions that the ripples occur in thin beds on the Hands quarry floor “everywhere throughout the entire extent of the quarry which is over 200 feet long and 100 feet wide and throughout a range of about 14 inches.  The total thickness of strata exposed in the quarry face is about 5 feet.   This consists of thin bedded sandy dolomitic limestone, in which beds or zones of white limestone up to 1 inch thick are intercalated sparingly near the top but more abundant near the bottom.” 

Morley Wilson also mentions that “The sandstone of ...  the Transition Beds is ripple marked in many places, the ripples being for the most part of the unsymmetrical type. The greater part of the ripples trend northeast-southwest or east-west and the steeper side of the crests of the ripples are on their south-east or south sides indicating that the current by which they were formed came from the north-west or north.”

The March Formation

D. A. Williams (1991) of the Ontario Geological Survey states that  “The March Formation consists of interbedded quartz sandstone, dolomitic quartz sandstone, sandy dolostone, and dolostone....  Shaly partings occur throughout the formation, and glauconitic partings are present in the dolostones and sandy dolostones.   ...  Quartz sandstones of the March Formation ... are thinly to thickly bedded, fine to coarse grained, and well sorted. The sandstones range in colour from white to light grey, brown, reddish brown, and green; and weather white to light grey and brown to reddish brown. Small brown-weathering spots are common, and are the result of diffusion into the surrounding pore spaces of iron derived from detrital pyrite, magnetite, or ilmenite grains.  The quartz grains are subrounded to well rounded. ... Crossbedding, ripple marks, and burrows are common.     The dolomitic quartz sandstones and sandy dolostones are light to medium brownish to bluish grey in colour, and weather brownish grey to buff to reddish brown. They are thinly to thickly bedded and contain finely to medium crystalline carbonate and well rounded, fine to coarse grained quartz sand. Some dolomitic sandstone beds are calcareous, and some sandy dolostone beds are calcitic.
The March Formation was deposited in a supratidal to subtidal environment. Supratidal to intertidal deposition and hypersalinity are implied by calcite-filled vugs (originally sulphate nodules) and algal lamination in the dolostones. Intertidal deposition is implied by bipolar  crossbedded quartz sandstone containing discrete vertical burrows. Subtidal deposition is indicated by highly bioturbated dolomitic quartz sandstone (Bond and Greggs 1973, p.1147-1150). A similar environment was inferred for the Theresa Formation of adjacent New York State by Selleck (1984).”

Williams’ description would cover the rocks of  the Hands’ quarry (sandy dolomitic limestone), but is not apt for the majority of rocks of Tackaberry’s quarry as cross-bedding is  not common, the  burrows  are confined to the top beds, there are no calcite-filled vugs,  and there is little dolostone in Tackaberry’s quarry.  In addition, finding the Ediacaran holdfast Aspidella in the rocks tells against the rocks being Lower Ordovician March Formation.

References and Selected Bibliography

Below I’ve provided a few references to water ripples and wind ripples.   If the reader is going to read one reference in addition to Morley Wilson’s paper,  it should probably be Kindle (1917).   That said,  Evans (1942) makes the important point that “The size of wave-formed ripple marks depends on the depth of water and the size of the generating waves. With waves of a given size, the deeper the water the smaller the ripple marks; with a given depth of water, the smaller the waves, the smaller the size of the ripple marks.”

Christopher Brett
Ottawa, Ontario

Postscript  (March 19th):   It has always impressed me that Sir William Logan was able to identify both water ripple marks  and wind ripple marks in the Potsdam sandstones at Beauharnois where he found Protichnites tracks, and that he concluded that the creature “which impressed the [Protichnites] tracks at Beauharnois must have been a littoral animal.”     See:  Logan (1860), where he named Climactichnites Wilsoni; and Logan (1863), The Geology of Canada.  It is also worth noting that  Logan (1863) provides various measured sections of Potsdam sandstone, including a section from Beauharnois in the vicinity of Henault’s field (1863, pages 105-106), where he describes the beds and indicates where ripple marks, wind marks, Protichnites tracks and Scolithus occur.  

References and Selected Bibliography

Blondeaux, P.,  Foti, E. and G. Vittori,  2015
A theoretical model of asymmetric wave ripples. Philosophical Transactions: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. Vol. 373, No. 2033, Theme issue: Advances in fluid mechanics for offshore engineering: a modelling perspective (28 January 2015), pp. 1-20

Das, Siddhartha Sankar and Sengupta,Supriya ,  1997
Height vs water depth for small sand ripples – An aid to palaeohydraulics, Current Science, Vol. 72, No. 9 (10 May 1997), p. 626

Evans, O. F. 1941.
The classification of wave-formed ripple marks. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, 11, 37.41.

Evans, Oren Frank, 1942
The relation between the size of wave-formed ripple marks, depth of water, and the size of the generating waves .  Journal of Sedimentary Research (1942) 12 (1): 31-35.
Hints, Linda, 2008
Ripple marks as indicators of Late Ordovician sedimentary environments in Northwest Estonia.  Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences, Volume 57, 1, 11-22.  doi: 10.3176/earth.2008.1.02

Jackson,  D. W. T.  and Cooper, J. A. G., 1999
Formation of Ephemeral Bedform Turrets in Coastal Foredunes , The Journal of Geology
Vol. 107, No. 5 (September 1999), pp. 633-639

Johnson, Douglas W., 1916
Contributions to the Study of Ripple Marks , The Journal of Geology
The Journal of Geology, Vol. 24, No. 8 (Nov. - Dec., 1916), pp. 809-819 (11 pages)

Kindle, E. M.,  1917
Recent and Fossil Ripple-Marks, Geological Survey of Canada, Museum Bulletin 25, No. 1658,  Geological Series, No. 34,  121 pages

Kindle, E. M.,  1923
Notes on Mud Crack and Ripple Mark in Recent Calcareous Sediments.  The Journal of Geology, Vol. 31, No. 2 (Feb. - Mar., 1923), pp. 138-145

Kindle, E. M. 1936
Notes on Shallow-Water Sand Structures
The Journal of Geology, Vol. 44, No. 7 (Oct. - Nov., 1936), pp. 861-869 

King,  W. J. Harding, 1916
The Nature and Formation of Sand Ripples and Dunes, The Geographical Journal, Vol. 47, No. 3 (Mar., 1916), pp. 189-207

Menard, Henry, W. 1950
Current-Ripple Profiles and Their Development ,  The Journal of Geology
Vol. 58, No. 2 (Mar., 1950), pp. 152-153

Sarkar, Soumen, 1981
Ripple marks in intertidal Lower Bhander Sandstone (late Proterozoic), Central India: A morphological analysis - Sedimentary Geology, Volume 29, Issue 4, August 1981, Pages 241-282

Seppälä,  Matti  and Krister Lindé, 1978
Wind Tunnel Studies of Ripple Formation
Geografiska Annaler. Series A, Physical Geography, Vol. 60, No. 1/2 (1978), pp. 29-42

Sharp, Robert P., 1963
Wind Ripples. The Journal of Geology Vol. 71, No. 5 (Sep., 1963), pp. 617-636

Williams, D.A., 1991.
Paleozoic Geology of the Ottawa-St. Lawrence Lowland, Southern Ontario; Ontario Geological Survey, Open File Report 5770, 292p.

Wilson, Morley Evans, 1931
Ripple marks near Perth, Lanark County, Ontario: Canadian Field-Naturalist, vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 25-27, 3 figs., February 1931.

Xiao, Qianlu,  Li, Ruijie,  Li, Chunhui and Xuwen Fang, 2018
Predicting Wave-induced Ripple Geometry and Bottom Friction Factor
Journal of Coastal Research,  Special Issue 83: Advances in Sustainable Port and Ocean Engineering (Fall 2018), pp. 148-154

Friday, 8 March 2019

Concentric Structures in the Sedimentary Rocks of Lanark County, Ontario that are identical to the Ediacaran Holdfast Aspidella

As part of  my blog posting from September 13, 2013 that was entitled ‘A Selection of Fossils from the March Formation in Lanark County, Ontario’ I included a number of photographs of concentric disc shaped fossils from Tackaberry’s quarry a few miles north east of Perth, Ontario in the hopes that someone would study the fossils and provide an accurate identification.   That didn’t happen, as my blog posting failed to generate any interest.  I’ve decided to try again, with a more intriguing title.
Below I’ve included a number of additional photographs that I took in 2012 of concentric structures in the rocks at Tackaberry’s quarry.


When I first looked at the fossils I did ask a few geologists for their suggestions. One suggested  medusae.  Another suggested poorly preserved Gastropods.  To understand why their suggestions were reasonable, it helps to know that I showed them photographs of poorly preserved specimens from the large blocks surrounding the quarry,  before I started looking at specimens revealed by fresh blasting and photographed the specimens shown above and in my September 13, 2013 posting.   In addition, there are Gastropods in the March Formation and I’ve found broken specimens of Gastropods in loose blocks at Tackaberry’s quarry.

I now believe that most of the specimens I found were holdfasts, as the specimens are identical to Ediacaran fossils that have been identified as holdfasts.  While some might be medusae or badly preserved Gastropods or cross-sections of burrows, these would be in the minority.  Most appear to be Aspidella.

My photographs  may not be representative of all of the circular structures that I found, as I took photos of the most circular and best preserved specimens that I found.  There were many others that were poorly preserved, some that were more elliptical than circular, and some that were not complete circles, that did not get photographed.   Admittedly, that does bias the identification, and if I were to go back I would photograph ones with different shapes.  (I would also look for fronds.)  Interestingly, there were literally hundreds of specimens that did not get photographed.

Since I published the blog posting a tremendous number of authors have written on concentric discoid fossils, and I’ve included a number of those papers below, plus others that I found interesting, and others that included  photographs of concentric fossils that are similar to those found in Tackaberry’s quarry.  The two Youtube videos -- Cope, 2018 and Burzynski et al. 2017a -- are worth watching.   

What is interesting about the specimens that I photographed is that they are all loose specimens resulting from blasting at the quarry.   Accordingly, it is as likely that I photographed a bed top as a bed sole.   Another interesting point is that while everyone would likely concede that the top beds at the quarry belong to the March Formation and are of Ordovician age, it is not clear  how old the lowermost beds are.   The uppermost beds are variously coloured siltstones, mudstones and sandstones, and at least two uncomformities are visible.  The bottom beds are a reddish sandstone, and at least one Lanark based geologist has suggested that the bottom beds are Potsdam sandstone (which is Cambrian in age).    Interestingly, the second time I was at the quarry it was in the company of Dr. Bill Arnott and Dr. Al Donaldson.  At that time I picked up a sample of the  lowermost sandstone and suggested to Dr. Donaldson that it was Potsdam sandstone. He cautioned me that Precambrian sandstones can be as well preserved as Cambrian sandstones.

I did not find any concentric fossils in the red sandstone.

Christopher Brett

Selected Bibliography
Billings, E. 1872
On some fossils from the primordial rocks of Newfoundland. Canadian Naturalist and Quarterly Journal of Science. Volume  6, New Series, pages 465- 479 at pages 478-79.

Boyce, W.D. and Reynolds, K., 2008
The ediacaran fossil Aspidella terranovica Billings, 1872 from St. John's Convention Centre Test Pit CjAe-33.  Current Research (2008) Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Natural Resources  Geological Survey, Report 08-1, pages 55-61

Burzynski G., and  Narbonne G.M., 2015
The discs of Avalon: relating discoid fossils to frondose organisms in the Ediacaran of Newfoundland, Canada. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 434: 34-45
DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2015.01.014

Burzynski, G., Narbonne, G.M.,  Dececchi, T.A., and Dalrymple, R. W.,  2017a
The ins and outs of Ediacaran discs.  Recorded at the International Symposium on the Ediacaran-Cambrian Transition, St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada.  Palaeo cast, Published on 26 Sep 2017    Youtube Video. 13.37 minutes

Burzynski G, Narbonne GM, Dececchi TA, and Dalrymple RW., 2017b.
The ins and outs of Ediacaran discs. Precambrian Research 300: 246-260

Cope, J. C. W. 1983.
Precambrian faunas from the Carmarthen district. Nature in Wales, new series, volume 1, (2), 11–16, pls 1–2. 

Cope, John C. W., 2018
The Ediacaran Fauna of the Llangynog Inlier, Carmarthenshire [Wales].
Paleocast. The Palaeontological Society, 62nd Annual meeting, 14th-17th December, 2018, University of Bristol.      Youtube Video.  14:44 minutes.

Fedonkin, Mikhail A.,  Gehling, J.G., Grey, K., Narbonne, G. M., Vickers-Rich, P.,  2008
The Rise of Animals: Evolution and Diversification of the Kingdom Animalia.
Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.  344 pages,  677 color illustrations

Gehling, J.G., Narbonne, G.M. and Anderson, M.M.,  2000:
The first named Ediacaran body fossil,  Aspidella terranovica . Palaeontology, Volume 43, pages 427-456.  DOI: 10.1111/j.0031-0239.2000.00134.x
Grazhdankin, Dmitriy, and Gerdes Gisela, 2007
Ediacaran microbial colonies. Lethaia 40:201–210.

Howe, Mike P.A. Evans, Mark, Carney, John N.  and Wilby, Philip, R., 2012
New perspectives on the globally important Ediacaran fossil discoveries in Charnwood Forest, UK: Harley’s 1848 prequel to Ford (1958).  Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society, 59 (2). 137-144.

Hofmann, H.J., 1971
Precambrian fossils, pseudofossils, and problematica in Canada. Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 189, 146 pages; Aspidella  at pages 14-17 and plate 5; Chuaria at page 24, plate11;.

Hofmann, H. J., 1998
Synopsis of Precambrian fossil occurrences in North America,  in Geology of the Precambrian Superior and Grenville provinces and Precambrian fossils in North America; Lucas, S B; St-Onge, M R; Geological Survey of Canada, Geology of Canada Series no. 7, 1998 p. 273-376, especially plates 1 & 2.
Hofmann ,H.J., Mountjoy, E.W., Teitz, M.W., 1991.
Ediacaran fossils and dubiofossils, Miette Group of Mount Fitzwilliam area, British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, Volume 28:1541- 1552

Högström A., Jensen S., Palacios T.,. & Ebbestad, J. O. R., 2013. 
Information on the Ediacaran-Cambrian transition in the Vestertana Group, Finnmark, northern Norway, from trace fossils and organic-walled microfossils. Norwegian Journal of Geology
93: 95-106.

Inglez, Lucas , 2018
Estruturas discoides na Formação Cerro Negro (Grupo La Providencia), Argentina e suas implicações para a paleontologia de macrorganismos pré-cambrianos
2018-04-12 Master thesis; Universidade Estadual Paulista: Instituto de Geociências e Ciências,  ExatasCampus de Rio Claro.  Language Portuguese; English Abstract
Alternative title: Discoidal structures in the Cerro Negro Formation (La Providencia Group), Argentina and their implications for the paleontology of pre-cambrian macroorganisms>.

Inglez, L.,  L.V.Warren, J.Okubo,  M.G.Simões,  F.Quaglio, M.J.Arrouy, R.G.Nettoe, 2019
Discs and discord: The paleontological record of Ediacaran discoidal structures in the south American continent. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, Volume 89, January 2019, Pages 319-336

Kenchington, Charlotte G. and Wilby , Philip R., 2014
Of time and taphonomy: preservation in the Ediacaran, a Chapter In:  Reading  and  Writing  of  the  Fossil  Record:  Preservational  Pathways  to  Exceptional  Fossilization.  The Paleontological Society Papers, Volume 20, Marc Laflamme, James D. Schiffbauer, and Simon A. F. Darroch (eds.).  The Paleontological Society Short Course, October 18, 2014.

Kirkland, Christopher L.,  MacGabhann, Breandán A.,  Kirkland, Brian L. & JS Daly, 2010
Cryptic Disc Structures Resembling Ediacaran Discoidal Fossils from the Lower Silurian Hellefjord Schist, Arctic Norway. PloS one 11 (10), e0164071

Letsch, Dominik,  Large, Simon J.E. ,. Bernasconi , Stefano M., Christian Klug, Thomas M. Blattmann , Wilfried Winkler , Albrecht von Quadt, 2019
Northwest Africa’s Ediacaran to early Cambrian fossil record, its oldest metazoans and age constraints for the basal Taroudant Group (Morocco). Precambrian Research 320, 2019, 438-453

Lieberman B.S., Kurkewicz R., Shinogle H., Kimmig J., MacGabhann B.A., 2017
Disc-shaped fossils resembling porpitids or eldonids from the early Cambrian (Series 2: Stage 4) of U.SA.      10.7717/peerj.3312

Liu, Alex G. and Conliffe,  James, 2015
The Ediacaran fossils of the Avalon Peninsula.  Geological Association of Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador Section, 2015 Fall Field Trip. Open File NFLD/3320.

Liu, Alexander G.,  Kenchington, Charlotte and Mitchell,Emily,  2015
Remarkable insights into the paleoecology of the Avalonian Ediacaran macrobiota
Gondwana Research 27(4):1355-1380 ? June 2015

MacGabhann BA. 2007.
Discoidal fossils of the Ediacaran biota: a review of current understanding. Geological Society of London, Special Publications 286:297 313
DOI 10.1144/SP286.21.   

MacGabhann BA. 2012.
A solution to Darwin's dilemma: differential taphonomy of Ediacaran and Palaeozoic non-mineralised discoidal fossils. PhD Thesis, National University of Ireland, Galway, 1 338.
 https:// handle/ 10379/ 3406/ 2012MacGabhannPhDvol1.pdf?sequence=9.

MacGabhann BA., 2014.
There is no such thing as the `Ediacara Biota'. Geoscience
Frontiers 5:53 62    DOI 10.1016/j.gsf.2013.08.001.
MacGabhann BA, and Murray J., 2010.
Non-mineralised discoidal fossils from the Ordovician Bardahessiagh Formation, Co Tyrone, Ireland. Irish Journal of Earth Sciences 28:1 12.

MacGabhann,Breandán Anraoi,  James D. Schiffbauer, James W. Hagadorn, Peter Van Roy, Edward P. Lynch, Liam Morrison, John Murray, 2019
Resolution of the earliest metazoan record: Differential taphonomy of Ediacaran and Paleozoic fossil molds and casts. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, Volume 513, 2019, pp. 146-165

Meerta, J.G., Gibsherb, A.S., Levashovac, N.M., Gricea, W.C., Kamenova, G.D., Ryabininb, A.B., 2011
Glaciation and ~ 770 Ma Ediacara (?) Fossils from the Lesser Karatau Microcontinent, Kazakhstan. Gondwana Research, Volume 19, Issue 4, June 2011, Pages 867-880

Narbonne, Guy. M. & Hofmann, Hans J.,  1987
Ediacaran biota of the Wernecke Mountains, Yukon, Canada. Palaeontology, Vol. 30 (4):
647-676. Plates 73-75   

Narbonne G. M., Laflamme M., Trusler P. W., Dalrymple R. W. & Greentree C. , 2014. — Deep-water Ediacaran fossils from Northwestern Canada: taphonomy, ecology, and evolution. Journal of Paleontology 88 (2): 207-223  .
Pyle L. J., Narbonne G. M., James N. P., Dalrymple R. W. & Kaufman A. J. 2004.
Integrated Ediacaran chronostratigraphy, Wernecke Mountains, northwestern Canada. Precambrian Research 132: 1-27.   Plates

Saint Martin J.-P. & Saint Martin S., 2018.
Beltanelliformis brunsae Menner in Keller, Menner, Stepanov & Chumakov, 1974: an Ediacaran fossil from Neoproterozoic of Dobrogea (Romania). Geodiversitas 40 (23): 537-548.

Tarhan L. G., Droser M., Gehling J. G.,  2015.
Depositional and preservational environments of the Ediacara Member, Rawnsley Quartzite (South Australia): Assessment of paleoenvironmental proxies and the timing of ‘ferruginization’ Paleography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 434, 4-13
Walcott CD. , 1898
Fossil medusa. United States Geological Survey, Monographs 30:1 201.

Walcott CD. , 1914
Middle Cambrian Holothurians and medusa. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 57:41- 68.

Walcott, Charles D., 1916
 Precambrian Algonkian Algal Flora, in Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 64(2) : 77-156

Young, Graham A.  And James W.Hagadorn , 2010
The fossil record of cnidarian medusae
Palaeoworld, Volume 19, Issues 3–4, December 2010, Pages 212-221

Sunday, 9 December 2018

The Geological Papers and Maps of Dr. Morley E. Wilson (1881- 1965) of most interest to those in Lanark County

I’ve mentioned Dr. Morley Wilson’s papers and maps a number of times in previous blog postings, without providing any details of his life.   This posting will provide a few details of his life, a listing of a number of his papers on economic geology, a selection of his geological papers and maps that would be of most interest to those in Lanark County, as well as a listing of all of his geological papers and maps.

Morley Evans Wilson was born in 1881 in Bright, Ontario, obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Toronto in 1907 and his doctorate from Yale University in 1912.    He spent his career as a geologist with the Geological Survey of Canada.

Dr. Morley Evans Wilson had strong interests in, and wrote extensively on, economic geology and Precambrian geology, especially mines and mineral deposits in the Canadian Shield.    His doctoral thesis was entitled ‘Preliminary memoir on the Abitibi district, Pontiac County, Quebec’, which was published in part as Kewagama Lake Map-Area, Quebec, Memoir 39, Department of Mines, Geological Survey, Ottawa, 1913 and in part as a paper entitled ‘The Cobalt Series; Its Character and Origin’ that was published in the The Journal of Geology, Vol. 21 (1913)..   This district was chosen for study because “ little detailed information was available with regard to either the character of the country, its geology, or its economic possibilities. It was further apparent that, owing to its proximity to regions in Ontario where gold had been recently discovered and the easy access afforded by the National Transcontinental railway, the district would soon be actively prospected.”   Chapter V of the Memoir is devoted to Economic Geology.
 His papers on economic geology include:
- Geology and economic resources of the Larder Lake district, Ont.. And adjoining portions of Pontiac Co., Que. GSC Memoir 17, 62 pages,  1912
- Magnesite deposits of Grenville district, Argenteull Co., Quebec.  G SC Memoir  98 , 1917
- The mineral deposits of the Buckingham map area Quebec. Can M Inst, Tr, 1917
- The magnesite deposits of the Grenville district, Que. Am Ceramic Soc,  1917
- Molybdenite deposits of Quyon district, Que. Can Mining Journal, 1918
- Graphite in Port Elmsley District, Lanark County, Ontario; GSC Summary Report 1917
- Mineral deposits in the Ottawa Valley: GSC  Summ. Rept., 1919
- The fluorspar deposits of Madoc district, Ontario: GSC Summ. Rept., 1920
- Talc in Canada: Canadian Mining Journal,  1922
- The fluorspar deposits of the Madoc district, Ontario; Science, 1922
- A discovery of copper-bearing minerals in Petite Nation seigniory, Papineau County, Quebec: GSC  Summ. Rept. for 1923;  1924.
-  Ontario's lead mine [Kingdon lead mine, Galetta, Ontario]: Canadian Min. Journal,  1924.
- Talc deposits of Canada: GSC, Economic Geology series, no. 2, 149 pages  1926
-  Mineral deposits in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick: GSC  Summ. Rept., 1926, 
 - Fluorspar deposits of Canada: GSC Economic Geology  series  6, 97 pages,  1929.
- Amulet mine. Noranda district. Quebec: GSC  Summ. Rept for 1933;  1934.
-  Magnesite in Canada: Canadian Min. Jour.,  1934.
- Amber mica in Canada: Canadian Min. Jour.,   1937.
- Noranda district, Quebec: Canada Geol. Survey Mem. 229,  169 pages, 1941.
- The Noranda and other sulphide replacement deposits of western Quebec, in Newhouse, W. H., ed., Ore deposits as related to structural features,   1942.
- McWatters mine [Quebec], in Canadian Inst. Mining and Metallurgy, Geol. Div., Structural geology of Canadian ore deposits, 1948.
- Structure and ore deposits of the Kirkland Lake, Noranda, Val d'Or belt, Ontario and Quebec: Economic Geology,  1947.
- Structural geology in the search for ore deposits in the Canadian Precambrian Shield: Mines Magazine,1952.
-  (and Buchanan, R. M.). Feldspar, in Canadian Inst. Mining and Metallurgy, Indus. Minerals Div., The geology of Canadian industrial mineral deposits, 1957.
-  The phlogopite-apatite deposits of eastern Ontario and the southern Laurentian Highlands, Quebec, in Canadian Inst. Mining and Metallurgy, Indus. Minerals Div., The geology of Canadian industrial mineral deposits,  1957.
- The Deloro stock and its mineralized aureole: Economic Geology, v. 60,   1965.
Dr. Morley Wilson  was awarded the Penrose Medal in 1950 by the Geological Society of America for stratigraphic work that he initiated on the Precambrian, demonstrating that one could use stratigraphic methods to work out structures and sequence in the Precambrian.   The Penrose Medal is  the top prize awarded by the Geological Society of America, and  is awarded only at the discretion of the GSA council, "in recognition of eminent research in pure geology, for outstanding original contributions or achievements that mark a major advance in the science of geology."  Interestingly, no award was given in 1929, 1937 or 1943. (Other Canadian recipients of the Penrose Medal were Raymond A. Price in 2012,  Paul F. Hoffman in 2011, J. Tuzo Wilson in 1968,  N. L. Bowen in 1941, A. P. Coleman in 1936, and Reginald Aldworth Daly in 1935.)

A few other details on his life are available on the internet.  He was a  Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (1926).   He was on the Board of Examiners from 1929 to 1931 for Frontier College.  He was an active member of the Ottawa Field Naturalists Club, serving as a member of council in 1929, as vice-president from 1930-1933 and president in 1934 and 1935.   After he retired from the Geological Survey he was a  Sessional Lecturer in Geology at Carleton University from 1947-1953.  He loved to curl.   After Dr. Morley Wilson died his estate endowed geologic scholarships in his name at Carleton University in Ottawa and Queen’s University at Kingston.
Dr. James M. Harrison, a former director of the Geological Survey of Canada, in an unpublished  paper entitled ‘Tales of the GSC,’ provides a number of  anecdotes on Morley Wilson.   Dr. Harrison mentions that “Morley Wilson was a small, spare, sparrow-like man whose religion, vocation, and hobby was geology.”  By way of example, he mentions that for September 3 and 10, 1939 Dr. Morley Wilson and Dr. Ambrose had planned meetings and field trips with Ontario and Quebec geologists to look at points of stratigraphic interest near Noranda, Quebec.  It happened that September 3rd  was the day Britain declared war on Germany while September 10th was the day that Canada declared war.   While Morley Wilson wanted to talk geology, no one was listening.  Dr. Harrison comments on the September 3rd field trip: “Dr. Wilson who rarely ever took a drink of any sort, got so desperate that he grabbed a bottle of beer around the neck so that it hung down below his hand, and then walked around through the crowd trying to stir up talk on geology without any success whatsoever.  I’m sure he felt that the whole day was entirely wasted talking about inconsequential things. ”

Dr. Harrison  dictated on tape his reminiscences of various field officers of the Survey, which have transcribed and are available on the Government of Canada’s online GEOSCAN database of papers and maps:

    Harrison, James M., dictated on tape 1988, transcribed, edited 1992
    Tales of the GSC
Dr. Harrison provides other anecdotes about Morley Wilson, including mentioning that “Morley was noted for running his party as if it were in civilization....”, that he (Harrison) and Dr. Ambrose were invited “over to dinner one Sunday to Morley Wilson’s field camp which at that time was in some of the buildings of the abandoned McWatter mine near Noranda .   ... I don’t remember if we wore ties, but I think we did. ... When the cook rang the bell for dinner, we trooped [in] ... where Morley sat at the head of the table.  On his right sat Dr. Ambrose, on his left sat the subchief of Dr. Wilson’s party, ... I sat next to Willis Ambrose, as presumably the most senior of the senior associates of the two parties, and so on down the table [to] the most junior assistant... Grace was said, and Morley carved the meat, and we carried on exactly as if we were dining in the main dining room of the Chateau Laurier.”
A paper that I have not been able to read, as it is not available online, and which I expect provides details of Dr. Morley Wilson’s career, is Dr. Alcock’s obituary notice for Dr. Morley Wilson:

Alcock, Frederick J., 1966
Morley Evans Wilson. 1881-1965: Royal Soc. Canada Minutes Proc. 1966, 4th ser., v. 4, p. 123-124. portrait, 1966.


At the end of this blog posting I’ve provided what should be a fairly complete list of Dr. Morley Evans Wilson’s geologic papers and maps.  Most were found in various editions of the Bibliography of North American Geology. I supplemented those papers and maps with those on the Government of Canada’s online GEOSCAN database, and with others found by searching on the internet.   From that list I’ve selected the papers and maps  that I believe to be of most interest to those in Lanark County.  These are my selections.   

Geology Perth, Lanark and Leeds Counties, Ontario
Wilson, M E; Dugas, J; Geological Survey of Canada, "A" Series Map 1089A, 1961, 1 sheet;

Graphite in Port Elmsley District, Lanark County, Ontario
Wilson, M E; in, Summary Report 1917 Part E; Geological Survey of Canada, Summary Report (1917), E, 1918 p. 29-42,
"Samson's shoulder stone," an erratic near Perth, Lanark County, Ontario: Canadian Field-Naturalist, vol. 46, no. 8, pp. 177-178,1 fig., November 1932.

Ripple marks near Perth, Lanark County, Ontario: Canadian Field-Naturalist, vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 25-27, 3 figs., February 1931.

Arnprior-Quyon and Maniwaki areas, Ontario and Quebec
Wilson, M E; Geological Survey of Canada, Memoir 136, 1924, 163 pages (4 sheets),

Westport, Leeds, Frontenac and Lanark Counties, Ontario
Wynne-Edwards, H R; Wilson, M E; Brownell, G M; Geological Survey of Canada, Preliminary Map 28-1959, 1959, 1 sheet,
 Mineral deposits in the Ottawa Valley: Canada, Geol. Survey, Summ. Rept., 1919, pt. E., pp. 19-44, 10 figs., 3 maps, 1920.
Unfortunately, the following papers are not available online.

Ripple marks in the lower Paleozoic of Ottawa Valley: Canadian Min.-Jour., vol. 52, no. 14, pp. 347-348, 2 figs., April 3, 1931.

Amber mica in Canada: Canadian Min. Jour., vol. 58, no. 5, pp. 253-254, 1 fig., May 1937.

The phlogopite-apatite deposits of eastern Ontario and the southern Laurentian Highlands, Quebec, in Canadian Inst. Mining and Metallurgy, Indus. Minerals Div., The geology of Canadian industrial mineral deposits, p. 175-181, illus. incl. geol. sketch maps, 1957.

Christopher Brett
Ottawa, Ontario       


Dr. Morley Evans Wilson’s Papers and Geological Maps (some co-authored)

Wilson, M E; 1907
Geological map of a Group of Townships Adjoining Lake Timiskaming, County of Pontiac, Quebec. Geological Survey of Canada, Multicoloured Geological Map 1007, 1907, 1 sheet,

Barlow, A E; Leroy, O E; Young, G A; Wilson, M E; King, C F; Miller, W G; Knight, C W; 1908:  Provinces of Ontario and Quebec, Nipissing District Ont. and Pontiac County Que. (Lake Timiskaming sheet)   Geological Survey of Canada, Multicoloured Geological Map no. 599, (ed. 2) 1908, 1 sheet,

Barlow, A E; Leroy, O E; Young, G A; Wilson, M E; Miller, W G; Knight, C W; Richard, L N; 1910: Lake Timiskaming mining region, Ontario and Quebec.  Geological Survey of Canada, "A" Series Map 18A, 1910, 1 sheet,
Bibliography of North American Geology, 1785-1918 vol 1 Bibliography
Wilson, Morley Evans.
08  An area from Lake Timiskaming east-ward [Quebec]. Can G S, Sum Rp 1907: 59-63 (1908)
09  Lake Opasatika and the Height of Land. Can G S, Sum Rp 1908: 121-123 (1909)
10  Larder Lake and eastward, Ontario. Can G S, Sum Rp 1909 :173-179 (1910)
10a  Geology of an area adjoining the east side of Lake Timiskaming, Quebec. Can G S:46 pp (1910)
11  Northwestern Quebec adjacent to the Interprovincial boundary and the National Transcontinental Railway. Can G S, Sum Rp 1910:203-207 (1911)
12  Geology and economic resources of the Larder Lake district, Ont.. And adjoining portions of Pontiac Co., Que. Can G S, Memoir 17:62 pp, maps (1912)
12a  Kewagama Lake map area, Pontiacand Abitibi, Que. Can G S, Sum Rp 1911: 273-279 (1912)
13  The Cobalt series; its character and origin. The Journal of Geology,  Vol. 21, No. 2 (Feb. - Mar., 1913), pp. 121-141 (21 pages)
13a  The significance of recent developments in the pre-Cambrian stratigraphy of the Lake Superior-Lake Huron region. J G 21: 385-398 (1913)
13b  The banded gneisses of the Laurentian highlands of Canada. Am J Sc (4) 36: 109-122 (1913)
13c  Kewagama Lake map area, Quebec.  Geological Survey of Canada, Memoir no. 39, 1913, 134 pages (1 sheet),
14  A geological reconnaissance from Lake Kipawa via Grand Lake Victoria to Kanikawinika Island, Bell River, Que. Can Q S, Sum Rp 1912:315-336, map (1914)
14a Southeastern portion of Buckingham map area, Que. Can G S, Sum Rp 1913:190-207 (1914)
15  Northern portion of Buckingham map area, Que. Can G S, Sum Rp 1914:94 (1915)
16  Southwestern portion of the Buckingham map area, Que. Can G S. Sum Rp 1915 : 156-162 (1916)   
17  Magnesite deposits of Grenville district, Argenteull Co., Que. Can G S, Mem 98:88 pp, maps, (1917)
17a  Grenville district, Argenteull Co.; Part of Amherst township, Labelle Co., Que. Can G S, Sum Rp 1916:208-219, maps (1917)
17b  The mineral deposits of the Buckingham map area. Que. Can M Inst, Tr 19:349-370 [1917]
17c  The magnesite deposits of the Grenville district, Que. Am Ceramic Soc, Tr. 19 : 254-259 (1917)
18  Timiskaming Co., Que. Can G S, Mem 103 : 197 pp, map (1918)
18a  The subprovincial limitations of pre-Cambrian nomenclature In the St. Lawrence basin. Journal of Geology, v. 26, p 325-333  (1918) . Abst, with discussion by A. P. Coleman and W. J Miller. G Soc Am, B 29:90-92 (1918)
18b  Molybdenite deposits of Quyon district, Que. Can Min Journal 39 : 78-80 (1918)

13d   Collins, William Henry  and Wilson, M. E., Winnipeg to Cochrane via National Transcontinental Railway. Int G Cong, XII, Canada, Guide Book no 9 : 149-153 (1913)

Wilson, M. E., 1917
The Arnprior-Quyon District, Ontario and Quebec, Geological Survey of Canada, Summary Report, 1917, part E, pages 42-43

Wilson, M. E., 1917
 Diagram Showing Pits in Kaolin Deposits in Lots 5 and 6, Range VI South, Amherst Township, Labelle County, Quebec; Geological Survey of Canada, Multicoloured Geological Map 1676, 1917, 1 sheet,

Wilson, M. E., 1917
Diagram Showing Magnesite Deposits, Lot 15, Range XI, Grenville Township, Argenteuil County, Quebec; Geological Survey of Canada, Multicoloured Geological Map 1675, 1917, 1 sheet,

Wilson, M. E., 1917
Diagram Showing Magnesite Deposits, Lots 15, Ranges IX and X, Grenville Township, Argenteuil County, Quebec ; Geological Survey of Canada, Multicoloured Geological Map 1674, 1917, 1 sheet,

Wilson, M. E., 1917
Diagram Showing Magnesite Outcrops in Grenville Township, Argenteuil County, Quebec; Geological Survey of Canada, Multicoloured Geological Map 1679, 1917, 1 sheet,
Wilson, M. E., 1918
 Graphite in Port Elmsley District, Lanark County, Ontario;  in, Summary Report 1917 Part E; Geological Survey of Canada, Summary Report (1917), E, 1918 p. 29-42,

Wilson, M E, 1919;            
 Pyrite Deposits (Outcrops), lots 1 and 2, concession 1, Blithfield Township, Renfrew County, Ontario, Geological Survey of Canada, Multicoloured Geological Map 1798, 1919, 1 sheet,

Wilson, M E, 1919;
Graphite deposit, lots 17 and 18, concession III, Brougham township, Renfrew county, Ontario
Wilson, M E; Geological Survey of Canada, Multicoloured Geological Map 1799, 1919, 1 sheet,

Wilson, M E, 1919;
Molybdenite deposits, lots 8 and 9, concession XI, Brougham township, Renfrew county, Ontario
Wilson, M E; Geological Survey of Canada, Multicoloured Geological Map 1800, 1919, 1 sheet,

Wilson, M E, 1919
 Molybdenite Deposits Exposed On Lots 9 and 10, Range VII, Onslow Township, Pontiac County, Quebec.  Geological Survey of Canada, Multicoloured Geological Map 1757, 1919, 1 sheet,

Wilson, M E, 1919;
Iron Ore Deposits Exposed On Lots 21 and 22, Range II, Bristol Township, Pontiac County, Quebec; Geological Survey of Canada, Multicoloured Geological Map 1759, 1919, 1 sheet,

Wilson, M E; 1924
 Galena - Calcite Veins On Lot 22, Concession VI, Fitzroy Township, Carleton County, Ontario
Geological Survey of Canada, Multicoloured Geological Map 1758, 1924, 1 sheet,

Bibliography of North American Geology, 1919-1928
Wilson, Morley Evans.
1. Geology and mineral deposits of a part of Amherst township. Quebec: Canada, Geol. Survey, Mem. 113, 54 pp., 7 pls., 3 figs., map. 1919
2. Wilson, Morley Evans. and MacKay, B. R. Landslide adjacent to Riviere Blanche, St Thurit
Parish of St. Casimir, Portneuf County, Province of Quebec, Quebec (Province), Rept. on Mining Operations, 1918, pp. 152-156. 2 pls.. 1919.
3. Mineral deposits in the Ottawa Valley: Canada, Geol. Survey, Summ. Rept., 1919, pt. E., pp. 19-44, 10 figs., 3 maps, 1920.
4. Molybdenite in the lower Ottawa Valley: Canadian Inst. Min. and Met., Monthly Bull., no. 102, pp. 749-764, 3 figs., October, 1920; Canadian Min. Inst., Trans., vol. 23, pp. 419-425, 3 figs. [1921].
5. Madoc district, Ontario: Canada, Geol. Survey, Summ. Rept., 1920, pt. D, pp. 39-40, 1921.
6. The fluorspar deposits of Madoc district, Ontario: Canada, Geol. Survey, Summ. Rept., 1920, pt. D, pp. 41-78, 9 figs., 1921. Canadian Min. Jour., vol. 42, no. 45, pp. 887-892, November 11, 1921.
7. The relationships of the Paleozoic to the pre-Cambrian along the southern border of the Laurentian highlands in southeastern Ontario and the adjacent portions of Quebec: Roy. Soc. Canada, Proc. and Trans., 3d ser., vol. 14, sec. 4, pp. 15-24, 1 fig., 1921.
8. Talc in Canada: Canadian Min. Jour., vol. 43, no. 23, p. 358, June 9, 1922
9. The fluorspar deposits of the Madoc district, Ontario (abstract): Science, new ser., vol. 56, p. 176, August 11, 1922.
10. Arnprior-Quyon and Maniwaki areas, Ontario and Quebec: Canada, Geol. Survey, Mem. 136, 152 pp., 17 pls., 4 maps, 1924.  doi:10.4095/100837
11. A discovery of copper-bearing minerals in Petite Nation seigniory, Papineau County, Quebec: Canada, Geol. Survey, Summ. Rept. 1923, pt. C1, pp. 74-75, 1924.
12. Ontario's lead mine [Kingdon lead mine, Galetta, Ontario]: Canadian Min. Jour., vol. 45, nos. 20 and 21, pp. 477-478, 501-502, May 16 and 23, 1924.
13. Grenville pre-Cambrian subprovince (abstract): Pan-Am. Geologist, vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 79-80, August, 1924.
14. A discovery of copper-bearing minerals in Petite Nation Seigniory, Papineau County, Quebec: Quebec, Dept. Colonization . . ., Report on Mining Operations . . . 1924, pp. 39-42. 1925.
15. The Grenville pre-Cambrian subprovince: Jour. Geology, vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 389-407, 3 figs., May-June, 1925;; abstract, British Assoc. Adv  Sci., Rept. 92d Meeting, pp. 388-389, 1925.
16. Talc deposits of Canada: Canada, Geol. Survey, Econ. Geology ser., no. 2, 149 pp., 19 figs., 14 pls., 1926.
17. Mineral deposits in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick: Canada, Geol. Survey, Summ. Rept., 1926, pt. C, pp. 77-99, 8 figs., 1927.
18. Some problems of classification in the Canadian pre-Cumbrian shield:     Geol. Mag., vol. 64, pp. 1-7. January, 1927.
19. Hastings series (abstract) : Geol. Soc. America, Bull., vol. 38, no. 1, p. 118, March 30, 1927; Pan-Am. Geologist, vol. 47, no. 1, p. 69, February, 1927.
Bibliography of North American Geology, 1929-1939:
Wilson, Morley Evans. See also Canada G. S., 1; Miller, A. H, 1 ; Ruedemann and Balk, ed, 52.

Canada, Geological  Survey
- Amulet area, Duprat, Dufresnoy, Rouyn, and Beauchastel townships, Abitibi and Temlscamlngue Counties, Quebec. Oeology by Morely Evans Wilson, 1935. Map 454A. Scale 119,600, or 1 Inch to 800 feet. 1939.
- Dufault area, Dufresnoy and Rouyn townships. Abitibi and Timiscamingue Counties, Quebec.
Geology by Morley Evans Wilson, 1934. Map 457A. Scale, 1:9,600, or 1 inch to 800 feet. 1939.
Duparquet sheet, Abitibi and Timiscamingue Counties, Quebec. Map 281A. Scale 1:63,360, or 1 Inch to 1 mile. Pub. 2295, 1933.
- Newbec area, Dufresnoy township, Abitibi County, Quebec. Geology by Morley Evans Wilson.
1932,1933. Map 456A. Scale 1 :9,600, or 1 inch to 800 feet. 1939.
- Waite area, Duprat and Dufresnoy Townships, Abitibi County, Quebec. Geology by Morley Evans Wilson, 1932, 1933. Map 455A. Scale 1.-9,600, or 1 inch to 800 feet. 1939.

- Miller, Andrew Howard,  French, C. A., and Wilson, Morley Evans. Geophysical surveys of the
Hull-Gloucester and Hazeldean faults: Canada, Geol. Survey Mem. 165, pp. 190-225, 1931.

52. Ruedemann, Rudolf and Balk, Robert, editors. Geology of North America, vol. 1, Introductory chapters and geology of the stable areas, ix, 643 pp., illus. incl index and geol. maps, Geologie der Erde, ed. by Erich Krenkel. Berlin, Gebrüder Borntraeger, 1939.               
Wilson, Morley Evans
1. Fluorspar deposits of Canada: Canada Geol. Survey Econ. Geology  ser. 6, 97 pp., 14 figs., 4 pls., 1929.
2. Geology of the Ottawa district [Ontario]: Canada Geol. Survey Mem. 165, pp. 192-196. 2 figs., 1931.
3. Life in the pre-Cambrian of the Canadian shield: Royal Soc. Canada Trans. 3d ser.,.vol. 25, sec. 4, pp. 119-126, 1 pl., 1931.
4. Ripple marks near Perth, Lanark County, Ontario: Canadian Field-Naturalist, vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 25-27, 3 figs., February 1931.
5. Ripple marks in the lower Paleozoic of Ottawa Valley: Canadian Min. Jour., vol. 52, no. 14, pp. 347-348, 2 figs., April 3, 1931.
6. Esker at Tweed, Hastings County, Ontario: Canadian Field-Naturalist, vol. 45, no. 5. pp. 114-115, 2 figs., May 1931.
7. Talcum at Madoc, Hastings County, Ontario: Canadian Field-Naturalist,  vol. 46, no. 4, pp. 79-80, 1 fig., April 1932.
8. "Roches moutonnees" near Kaladar, Lennox and Addington County, Ontario: Canadian Field-Naturalist, vol. 46, no. 6, p. 141, 1 fig., September 1932.
9. "Samson's shoulder stone," an erratic near Perth, Lanark County, Ontario: Canadian Field-Naturalist, vol. 46, no. 8, pp. 177-178,1 fig., November 1932.
10. The "blue limestone" of Hastings County, Ontario: Canadian Field-Naturalist, vol. 47, no. 2, pp. 33-34, 2 figs., February 1933.
11. The Claire River syncline: Royal Soc. Canada Trans. 3d ser., vol. 27, p. cxli [abstract] ; sec. 4, pp. 7-11. 1 fig., 1 pl., May 1933.
12. An ancient lava field in the Canadian Shield: Canadian Field-Naturalist, vol. 47, no. 5, pp. 87-88, 2 figs., May 1933.
13. The oldest mountains in Canada: Canadian Field-Naturalist, vol. 47, no. 9, pp. 174-175, 2 figs., December 1933.
14. Amulet mine. Noranda district. Quebec: Canada Geol. Survey Summ. Rept, 1933 Pt. D. Pub. 2351. pp. 83-120, 4 figs., 1 pl., 1934.
15. Magnesite in Canada: Canadian Min. Jour., vol. 55, no. 5, pp. 239-241, 2 figs., May 1934.
16. The multiple and complementary sills and dikes at Waite-Ackerman-Montgomery mine, Noranda  district, Quebec: Royal Soc. Canada Trans. 3d ser., vol. 28, sec. 4, pp. 65-74, 1 fig., 1 pl. geol. map. May 1934.
17. Rock alteration at the Amulet mine, Noranda district, Quebec: Econ. Geology, vol. 30, no. 5, pp. 478-492. 2 figs., August 1935.
18. Amber mica in Canada: Canadian Min. Jour., vol. 58, no. 5, pp. 253-254, 1 fig., May 1937.
19. The Keewatin lavas of the Noranda district, Quebec: Toronto Univ. Studies geol. ser. 41, pp. 75-82, 1 pl., 1038.
20. The Canadian shield: Geologie der Erde, Erich Krenkel, ed., North America vol. 1, pp. 232-311, 1 plate,  geol. map, 13 figs. incl. geol maps, Berlin, Gebrüder Borntraeger, 1939.
21. The pre-Cambrian: Royal Soc. Canada Trans, ser. 3, vol. 33, sec. 4, pp. 1-9, May 1939.
22. Structural features of the Keewatin volcanic rocks of western Quebec [abstract]: Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 50, no. 12, pt. 2, p. 1943, December 1,1939.
M.E. Wilson, 1941
Pre-Cambrian, (book chapter), in Geology, 1888-1938, Fiftieth Anniversary Volume, Geological Society of America   Doi:
Bibliography of North American Geology, 1940-1949: Part 1 Bibliography
 Wilson, Morley Evans. See also Canada G. S., 1.
Canada, Geological Survey
- Madoc—Hastings, Lennox, and Addington Counties. Ontario. Geology by Morley Evans
Wilson, 1920-1925, map 559A, scale 1:63,360 or 1 inch to 1 mile 1940.
- Marmora—Hastings, Peterborough, and Northumberland Counties, Ontario. Geology by
Morley Evans Wilson, 1920-1925, map 560A, scale 1:63,360 or 1 inch to 1 mile, 1940.

Wilson, Morley Evans  
1. Noranda district, Quebec: Canada Geol. Survey Mem. 229, Pub. 2461, vii, 169 p., illus. incl. geol. maps, 1941.
2. Pre-Cambrian: Geol. Soc. Am. 50th Anniversary Volume, p. 269-305, illus. geol. maps, 1941.
3. The Noranda and other sulphide replacement deposits of western Quebec, in Newhouse, W. H., ed., Ore deposits as related to structural features, p. 224-226. illus., 1942.
4. Structural features of the Keewatin volcanic rocks of western Quebec: Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 53, no. 1, p. 53-69, illus. incl. geol. map, Jan. 1, 1942.   doi:10.1130/GSAB-53-53
5. Preliminary maps Rouyn-Beauchastel, Temiscamingue County, Quebec: Canada Geol. Survey Paper 43-7, scale 1 in. to 1000 ft., geol. maps, 1943; 2d ed., 1946.
6. The early pre-Cambrian succession in western Quebec: Royal Soc. Canada Trans., 3d ser., v. 37, sec. 4, p. 119-138, illus. incl. geol. map, May 1943; abs., Proc, 3d ser., v. 37, p. 121, 1943.
7. The regional structural relations of the ore deposits of the Noranda district, western Quebec: N. Y. Acad. Sci. Trans., ser. 2, v. 8, no. 2, p. 43-44, Dec. 1945.
8. Structural features of the Noranda-Rouyn area [Ontario-Quebec], in Canadian Inst. Mining and Metallurgy, Geol. Div., Structural geology of Canadian ore deposits, p. 672-683, illus. incl. geol. maps, 1948.
9. (and Lee, A. C). Senator-Rouyn mine [Quebec], in Canadian Inst. Mining and Metallurgy, Geol. Div., Structural geology of Canadian ore deposits, p. 735-739, illus.. 1948.
10. (and MacQuarrie, William Richard). Stadacona mine [Quebec], in Canadian Inst. Mining and Metallurgy, Geol. Div., Structural geology of Canadian ore deposits, p. 776-782, illus., 1948.
11. McWatters mine [Quebec], in Canadian Inst. Mining and Metallurgy, Geol. Div., Structural geology of Canadian ore deposits, p. 783-789, illus., 1948.
12. (and Hopper, R. V., and Trenholme, Laurence S.). Rouyn .Merger mine [Quebec], in Canadian Inst. Mining and Metallurgy, Geol. Div.,Structural geology of Canadian ore deposits, p. 789-796, illus., 1948.
13. Arsenic in well water in the Madoc district, Ontario [abs.]: Royal Soc. Canada Proc, 3d ser., v. 35, p. 186, 1941.
14. Structure and ore deposits of the Kirkland Lake, Noranda, Val d'Or belt, Ontario and Quebec [abs.]: Econ. Geology, v. 42, no. 4, p. 412- 413, 428-429, June-July 1947.
Bibliography of North American Geology, 1950-1959: Part 1 Bibliography, vol 1 A-L
Bibliography of North American Geology, 1950-1959: Part 1 Bibliography, vol 2 M-Z
Wilson, Morley Evans. See also Ambrose, J. W., 2; Canada G. S., 130.
2. Ambrose, J. W. and Burns, Cecil Albert. Structures in the Clare River syncline [Ontario]—a demonstration of granitization, in Thomson, J. E., ed., The Grenville problem: Royal Soc. Canada Special Pub., no. 1, p. 42-53, illus. incl. geol. map, with discussion by M. E. Wilson, 1956.           

Canada, Geological Survey
130  Geology, Westport—Leeds, Frontenac and Lanark counties, Ontario: Canada Geol. Survey Prelim. Ser. Map 28-1959, scale 1: 63,360 (1 in. to 1 mi), with descriptive notes, geology by M. E. Wilson, G. M. Brownell, and H. R. Wynne-Edwards, 1959.

Wilson, Morley Evans
1. Structural geology in the search for ore deposits in the Canadian Precambrian Shield: Mines Mag., v. 42, no. 3, p. 42-44, 92, illus., Mar. 1952.
2. Early Precambrian rocks of the Timiskaming region, Quebec and Ontario, Canada: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 67, no. 10, p. 1397-1430, illus. incl. geol. maps, Oct. 1956; discussion by W. G. Johnston and reply by author, v. 70, no. 7, p. 935-940, July 1959.
3. (and Buchanan, R. M.). Feldspar, in Canadian Inst. Mining and Metallurgy, Indus. Minerals Div., The geology of Canadian industrial mineral deposits, p. 85-89, illus., 1957.
4. The phlogopite-apatite deposits of eastern Ontario and the southern Laurentian Highlands, Quebec, in Canadian Inst. Mining and Metallurgy, Indus. Minerals Div., The geology of Canadian industrial mineral deposits, p. 175-181, illus. incl. geol. sketch maps, 1957.
5. Precambrian classification and correlation in the Canadian Shield: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 69, no. 6, p. 757-773, illns., June 1958.
6. The pre-Timiskaming unconformity in the Rouyn-Beauchastel area, western Quebec [abs.]: Royal Soc. Canada Trans., 3d ser., v. 47, sec. 4, p. 152, 1953.
7. Early Precambrian rocks of western Quebec [abs.]: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 64, no. 12, pt. 2, p. 1492-1493, Dec. 1953.
8. The relationship of the Timiskaming and Grenville series [Ontario] [abs.]: Royal Soc. Canada Minutes Proc. 1955, p. 44-45, 1955.
 Wilson, M. E., 1959
Have the sediments of the Cobalt series near the south end of Lake Timiskaming been deformed into mountains? GSA Bulletin (1959) 70 (7): 939-940.[939:HTSOTC]2.0.CO;2
Bibliography of North American Geology, 1960;size=100;id=uc1.b4329185
WILSON, Morley Evans
  Origin of pillow structure in early Precambrian lavas of western Quebec: Jour. Geology, v. 68, no. 1, p. 97-102, illus., Jan. 1960.
  Wyatt Malcolm, 1872-1959: Royal Soc. Canada Minutes Proc., 3d ser., v. 54, p. 137, 139, portrait, 1960.   
Bibliography of North American Geology, 1961
Wilson, Morley Evans; Dugas, Jean. Geology, Perth—— Lanark and Leeds Counties,
Ontario: Canada Geol. Survey Map 1089A, scale l:63,360, text, 1961.   
Bibliography of North American Geology, 1962
  Wilson, M. E. Geology, Southeast Rouyn township, Temiscamingue county, Quebec: Canada Geol. Survey Map 1108A, scale 1:18,000, 1962; also in Canada Geol. Survey Mem. 3 15, 1962.
  Wilson, M. E. Geology, Southwest Rouyn township, Temiscamingue county, Quebec: Canada Geol. Survey Map 1107A, scale 1:18,000, 1962; also in Canada Geol. Survey Mem. 3 15, 1962.
  Wilson, M. E. Geology, Southeast Beauchastel township, Temiscamingue county, Quebec: Canada Geol. Survey Map 1106A, scale 1:18,000, 1962; also in Canada Geol. Survey Mem. 315, 1962.
 Wilson, M. E. Rouyn-Beauchastel map-areas, Quebec [with French abstract): Canada Geol. Survey Mem. 315, 140 p., illus., tables, geol. maps, 1962.
Bibliography of North American Geology, 1963
no entry for Wilson, Morley Evans or for Wilson, M.E.
Bibliography of North American Geology, 1964
no entry for Wilson, Morley Evans or for Wilson, M.E.
Bibliography of North American Geology, 1965
  Wilson, M. E. The Precambrian of Canada—The Canadian Shield. in The geologic systems-The Precambrian. V. 2: New York. Interscience Publishers, p. 263 415. illus.. tables. 1965.
  Wilson, M. E. The Deloro stock and its mineralized aureole: Econ. Geology, v. 60, no. 1. p. 163-167, illus., table, 1965.
Bibliography of North American Geology, 1966
 no entry for an article by Wilson, Morley Evans or for Wilson, M.E.
cites the following obituary notice:
Alcock, Frederick J., 1966
 Morley Evans Wilson. 1881-1965: Royal Soc. Canada Minutes Proc. 1966, 4th ser., v. 4, p. 123-124. portrait, 1966.
Bibliography of North American Geology, 1967
no entry for Wilson, Morley Evans or for Wilson, M.E.
Bibliography of North American Geology, 1968
Wilson, M. E.,  Dokembriy Kanady (Kanadskiy Shchit), in Dokembriy Kanady, Grenlandii, Britanskikh Ostrovov, i Shpitsbergena (K. Rankama, editor): Moscow, Izdatel'stvo "MIR" 336-269, illus., tables, 1968; originally published in English, 1965.
Bibliography of North American Geology, 1969
no entry for Wilson, Morley Evans or for Wilson, M.E.

Saturday, 20 October 2018

Alice E. Wilson’s Scientific Papers, Maps, Field Trip Guide and Children’s Book on Geology - Part 2

On October 18, 2018   the Minister of Environment and Climate Change and Minister responsible for Parks Canada paid tribute Alice Evelyn Wilson as a trailblazing scientist during a special ceremony at the Canadian Museum of Nature unveiling the following plaque commemorating her as a person of national historic significance.

The Minister’s  background material mentions that Alice Evelyn Wilson was “the first female geologist hired by the Geological Survey of Canada, the first Canadian woman to be admitted to the Geological Society of America, and the first female Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada.” Further information to support the designation of the plaque can be found at:  

Sarjeant, William A.S. — "Alice Wilson, first woman geologist with the Geological Survey of Canada

The background material issued by the Minister's department mentions that Alice E. Wilson “prepared detailed reference maps of some 14,250  square km  of the Ottawa-St. Lawrence Lowlands”.    That point is perhaps better made by the following index map showing the geologic maps issued by the Geological Survey of Canada where the Paleozoic geology was mapped by Alice E. Wilson.

Christopher P. Brett

Wednesday, 17 October 2018

Alice E. Wilson’s Scientific Papers, Maps, Field Trip Guide and Children’s Book on Geology

Over the course of the next five months the Canadian Museum of Nature, the Victoria Museum located at Metcalfe and McLeod Streets in Ottawa, is hosting a special exhibition entitled “Courage and Passion: Canadian Women in Natural Sciences” celebrating women who broke barriers to pursue their passion for science.   The exhibit started  July 28, 2018 and is on display until March 31, 2019.   One of the women featured in the exhibit is the paleontologist Dr. Alice E. Wilson (1881–1964), who was the first woman to be employed in a professional capacity by the  Geological Survey of Canada.  She worked for the Geological Survey of Canada from 1909 until her forced retirement at age 65 in 1946.  Interesting, she maintained an office at the Survey, and kept publishing articles on paleontology,  until shortly before her death in 1964.

Last Saturday (October 13) I attended the open house at the Canadian Museum of Nature’s research facility on Pink Road in Gatineau, Quebec (across the river from Ottawa).  While there I ran into Michelle Coyne, Curator, Organic Materials Collections, Geological Survey of Canada.  Michelle was manning a display of fossils of the Ottawa area and trailblazing women in the Earth Sciences, featuring biographies of among  others Alice E. Wilson and Ann P. Sabina, both of whom I am very familiar with as I have owned their field trip guides for over fifty years.  Michelle mentioned that tomorrow, Thursday, October 18,  at 7pm, at the Canadian Museum of Nature in Ottawa, they will be dedicating a plaque to Alice E. Wilson.  Admission to the museum is free starting at 5 pm and the event is open to the public.

Below I’ve provided a list of Alice E. Wilson’s scientific papers, the geological maps she authored, her field trip guide and her children’s book on geology.  A very productive career.  Intriguingly, at pages 21-22 of her children’s book that was published in 1947, Alice E. Wilson briefly discusses Wegener’s theory of continental drift!

Christopher Brett


Wilson, A. E.

1913: A New Brachiopod from the Base of the Utica [Oxoplecia Calhouni Wilson]; Geol. Surv., Canada, Mus. Bull. 1, pp. 81-86.

1914: A Preliminary Study of the Variations of the Plications of Parastrophia hemiplicata,
Hall; Geol. Surv., Canada,   Museum Bulletin no. 2, pt. 7,   p. 131-140,

1915: A New Ordovician Pelecypod from the Ottawa District; Ottawa Nat. 29, pp. 85-86.
Plate 2 at

1921:  The Range of Certain Lower Ordovician Faunas of the Ottawa Valley, with Descriptions
of Some New Species; Geol. Surv., Canada, Bull. 33, pp. 19-57.

1924:  A new genus and a new species of gastropod from the upper Ordovician of British Columbia: Canadian Field-Naturalist, vol. 38, no. 8, pp. 150-151, 2 fig., 2 pls., October, 1924.
1926a:  An Upper Ordovician fauna from the Rocky Mountains, British Columbia; in, Contributions to Canadian palaeontology; Geological Survey Museum; Geological Survey of Canada, Museum Bulletin No.  44,  p. 1-34, 100-115,  8 Plates, 2 Figures  (index map and diagram of one species),

1926b: Determinations of fossils and remarks thereon; pages 32-34 in Geology and mineral deposits of Windermere map-area, British Columbia by J.F. Walker, Geological Survey of Canada, Memoir 148, 78 pages (1 sheet),

1928:  Fossils from Baffin Island, collected by J. Dewey Soper ; in, A faunal investigation of southern Baffin Island; Soper, J D; National Museum of Canada, Bulletin no. 53, p. 124-129,

1930: The geology of the Cornwall District, Ontario. PhD Thesis for University of Chicago, USA
1931: Notes on the Baffinland fossils collected by J. Dewey Soper during 1925 and 1929: Roy. Soc. Canada, Transactions, 3d ser., vol. 25, sec. 4, pp. 285–308, 5 pls., 1931.

1932a: Notes on the Pamelia Member of the Black River Formation of the Ottawa Valley;
Amer. Jour. Sci. 24, pp. 135-146.   doi:10.2475/ajs.s5-24.140.135
1932b:  Palaeontological Notes; Canadian Field-Naturalist. 46, pp. 133-140.

1932c:  Ordovician Fossils from the Region of Cornwall; Roy. Soc., Canada, Trans. 3rd
ser., sec. 4, vol. 26, pp. 373-404, 6 pis.
1936: , A Synopsis of the Ordovician of Ontario and western Quebec and the related succession in New York: in Contributions to the study of the Ordovician of Ontario and Quebec;  Geol. Survey of Canada Memoir  202, Pub. 2427, pp. 1–20, 1936.

1937: Erosional Intervals Indicated by Contacts in the Vicinity of Ottawa, Ontario;
Roy. Soc., Canada, Proc. and Trans., 3rd ser. 31, sec. 4, pp. 45-60.

1938: Correlation of the Timiskaming outlier, with description of a new cephalopod; Canadian Field-Naturalist, vol. 52, no. 1, pp. 1–3, 1 pl., January 8, 1938.
Plate 1 at

1938: Gastropods from Akpatok Island, Hudson Strait: Royal Soc, Canada Trans. 3d ser., vol. 32, sec. 4, pp. 25–39, 3 plos., May 1938; correction, vol. 33. Sec. 4, p. 131, May 1939; abstract, Proc., p. 143, 1933.

1942:   A buried channel of the St. Lawrence River: Am. Jour. Sci., v. 244, no. 8, p. 557-562, illus., Aug. 1946; abs., Royal Soc. Canada Proc, 3d ser., v. 36, p. 147, 1942.
1943: Synopsis of the geology of the Ottawa lowlands [abstract]: Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 49, no. 12, pt. 2, p. 1943,

1944:  Rafinesquina and its Homomorphs Opikina and Opikinella from the Ottawa Limestone
of the Ottawa-St. Lawrence Lowland; Roy. Soc., Canada, 3rd ser. 38, sec, 4, pp. 145-203. 

1945:  Strophomena and its Homomorphs Trigrammaria and Microtrypa from the Ottawa
Limestone of the Ottawa-St. Lawrence Lowland; Roy. Soc., Canada, 3rd ser. 39, sec. 4, pp. 121-150.

1946a: Echinodermata of the Ottawa Formation of the Ottawa-St. Lawrence Lowland;
Geol. Surv., Canada, Bull. No. 4.  61 pages,
1946b: Brachiopoda of the Ottawa Formation of the Ottawa - St. Lawrence Lowland;
 Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 8,   149 pages,

1946c: Geology of the Ottawa-St. Lawrence Lowland, Ontario and Quebec.  Geological Survey of Canada  Memoir 241, 65 pages, four sheets

1946d: A buried channel of the St. Lawrence River. American J. of Sc., v 244, 557-563
1947:  Trilobita of the Ottawa Formation of the Ottawa - St Lawrence Lowland
Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 9,   85 pages,

1948: Miscellaneous classes of fossils, Ottawa Formation, Ottawa - St. Lawrence Valley
 Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 11,  123 pages,

1948-49:  Life comes to a planet, Pt. 1: Canadian Min. Jour., v. 69, no. 7, p. 57-65, illus., July 1948; Pt. 2, no. 8, p. 80-84, illus. incl. index map, Aug. 1948; no. 9, p. 60-69, illus., Sept. 1948; Pt. 3, no. 11, p. 69-82, illus., Nov. 1948; Pt. 4, v. 70, no. 1, p. 77-88, illus., Jan. 1949; Pt. 5, no. 3, p. 79-88, illus., Mar. 1949. 

1951: Gastropoda and Conularida of the Ottawa formation of the Ottawa-St Lawrence lowland
 Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin no. 17, 1951, 156 pages,

1951:  Log of Diamond Drill Hole (pages 2-7), and  List of Fossils from Piskoshi Point , James Bay (pages 8-9), in Preliminary report on drilling to determine stratigraphical succession at Piskoshi Point, James Bay: Ontario Department of Mines Preliminary Report. 1951-5, 9 p., 1951.                                           

1953:  A report on fossil collections from the James Bay lowland, Appendix A of Martison, N. W., Petroleum possibilities of the James Bay lowland area: Ontario Dept. Mines Ann. Rept . 1952, v. 61, pt. 6, p. 59-81,1953.

1955:  Memorial to Alfred W. G. Wilson (1873-1954): Geological  Society of America Proceedings, 1954, p. 143-145, July 1955.

1956: Pelecypoda of the Ottawa Formation of the Ottawa - St Lawrence Lowland
 Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 28,, 102 pages,

1957:  Life in the Proterozoic, in Gill, J. E., ed., The Proterozoic in Canada: Royal Soc. Canada Special Pub., no. 2, p. 18-27, illus., 1957. University of Toronto Press,  Pages: 204

1961: Cephalopoda of the Ottawa Formation of the Ottawa - St Lawrence Lowland
 Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 67, 106 pages,
1965;  Geology of Canada, p. 71-80a  in A collection of cartographic notes;   Edwards, B; Geological Survey of Canada, Topical Report 108, 1965,



Burns, C. A.; Wilson, A. E.;
1949:  Geological notes on localities in James Bay, Hudson Bay, and Foxe Basin visited during an exploration cruise, Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 52-25, 1952, 16 pages,
[Geological Notes by C. A. Burns including lists of collected fossils identified by Alice E. Wilson]        
Cole, L. H.,  Keele, J.  and Wilson, Alice E.
1922: Ordovician Fossils From St. Lawrence Canal System Localities, Ontario and Quebec; Appendix B in Keele, Joseph and Cole, L. Heber, Report on Structural Materials along the St. Lawrence River, between Prescott, Ont., and Lachine, Que., pages 109 -111;,  Canada, Mines Branch, 119 pages, maps, plates

Hogg, Nelson, Satterly, Jack, and Wilson, Alice Evelyn,
1953: Drilling by the Ontario Department of Mines, Pt. 1 of Drilling in the James Bay lowland: Ontario Department of Mines Annual Report  1952, v. 61, pt. 6, p. 115-140, illus.    

Wilson, A E; Caley, J F; Okulitch, V J; Sproule, J C;
1936:  Contributions to the study of the Ordovician of Ontario and Quebec; Geological Survey of Canada, Memoir 202, 1936, 133 pages,
Wilson, A.E. and Mather, K.F.
1916:  Synopsis of the common fossils of the Kingston area; in Baker, M.B., The Geology of Kingston and vicinity; Appendix II, Ontario Bureau of mines, 1916, v.XXV., part III, p.45-67.

Wilson, A. E., Stewart, J . S., and Caley, J. F.,
1941:  Sedimentary Basins of Ontario, possible Sources of Oil and Gas; Roy. Soc . Canada,
Proc. and Trans., 3rd ser. 35, sec. 4, pp. 167-185.       



Wilson, A. E.
1938:  Ottawa Sheet, (East Half) , Carleton and Hull Counties, Ontario and Quebec, Geological Survey of Canada,  Map 413A, Scale 1 inch to 1 mile, Geology by A. E. Wilson, 1935

1938:  Ottawa Sheet, (West  Half) , Carleton and Hull Counties, Ontario and Quebec, Geological Survey of Canada, Map 414A,  Scale 1 inch to 1 mile, Geology by A. E. Wilson, 1935

1940: Casselman, Russell, Dundas, Stormont, Prescott, Carleton, and Papineau Counties, Ontario and Québec; Geological Survey of Canada, "A" Series Map 587A, 1940, 1 sheet, 1 inch to 2 miles,
1940: Nepean, Carleton, Lanark, Grenville, Dundas, Gatineau and Papineau Counties, Ontario and Québec;  Geological Survey of Canada, "A" Series Map 588A, 1940, 1 sheet, 1 inch to 2 miles,

1941: Valleyfield, Québec and Ontario; Geological Survey of Canada, "A" Series Map 660A, 1941, 1 sheet, 1 inch to 2 miles,

1941:  L'Orignal, Ontario and Québec; Geological Survey of Canada, "A" Series Map 662A, 1 sheet, 1 inch to 2 miles,

1941: Maxville, Ontario and Québec; Geological Survey of Canada, "A" Series Map 661A, 1941, 1 sheet, 1 inch to 2 miles,
1942:  Prescott, Ontario; Geological Survey of Canada, "A" Series Map 710A, 1942, 1 sheet,

1946: Ottawa-Cornwall , Ontario and Quebec, Geological Survey of Canada, "A" Series Map 852A,  Scale 1 inch to 4 Miles, Geology by A. E. Wilson, 1929 and 1935 to 1940

1954:  Ottawa, Carleton, Gatineau, and Papineau Counties, Ontario and Québec; Geological Survey of Canada, "A" Series Map 1038A, 1954, 1 sheet,


Livingstone, K. W. , Hill, P. A., Wilson, Alice E. and  Kirwan, J. L., 1974,
Geology, Arnprior, Ontario;. Geological Survey of Canada, "A" Series Map 1363A, 1 sheet, scale 1:50,000   [Precambrian geology by K. W. Livingstone, P. A. Hill and others 1963, 1964, 1965, compiled by K. W. Livingstone 1965. Paleozoic geology by Alice E. Wilson, compiled by J. L. Kirwan 1963. Revised by P. A. Hill, 1972.]

Reinhardt, E W; Wilson, A E, 1964
Geology, Carleton Place, Ontario; Geological Survey of Canada, Preliminary Map 7-1964, 1964, 1 sheet,
[Precambrian geology by E. W. Reinhardt, 1963. Paleozoic geology by A. E. Wilson, 1946, compiled by B. A. Liberty, 1963]

Reinhardt, E W; Wilson, A E; Liberty, B A, 1973
 Geology, Carleton Place, Ontario; Geological Survey of Canada, "A" Series Map 1362A, 1973, 1 sheet,
[Precambrian geology and compilation by E. W. Reinhardt, 1963, 1969, 1972. Paleozoic geology by A. E. Wilson, 1946.  Paleozoic compilation by B. A. Liberty, 1963, with minor changes and additions by E. W. Reinhardt, 1972.]   htps://       


Alice E. Wilson, 1956
 A Guide to the Geology of the Ottawa District, Volume 70, 1,  The Canadian Field-Naturalist, 73 pages, including five plates, and 1 map sheet


Alice E. Wilson, 1947
The Earth Beneath Our Feet.  Toronto: The MacMillan Company of Canada Limited, 294 pages


Sunday, 30 September 2018

The Pike Lake Pluton - A Layered Syenite Intrusion in Lanark County - Part 2

In my July 17, 2017 blog posting I mentioned that Jean Dugas, in his 1952 doctoral thesis, had described  a syenite intrusion falling between Black Lake and Pike Lake, which he named the Black Lake body, but which is now known The Pike Lake Pluton.  I also mentioned that in the text of his thesis Dugas (1952) had remarked on the good bedding within the syenite body and included a spectacular photo of bedding in the syenite body (his photo number  54 at page 159 of his thesis).   Dugas placed the outcrop shown in  photo number 54 in Lot 24, Concession VI of North Burgess township.   Locating that outcrop is problematic as his Black Lake syenite body (the Pike Lake pluton) does not appear to outcrop in Lot 24 of Concession VI. Specifically, the map included with his thesis, and Wilson and Dugas’ (1961) map 1089A issued by the GSC, which replicates the map in the thesis, do not show the syenite body as outcropping on Lot 24 of Concession VI.

This past summer I visited friends who have a home on Black Lake and took the opportunity to visit a few of the outcrops of the syenite body that are visible on Google Earth. The outcrops are just to the north of Black Lake Road and about 400 meters west of  Pike Lake Route 16, and fall in Lot 23 very close to the southern  boundary of concession VII.   As such the outcrops are very close to Lot 24 of Concession VI.  The following photographs show layering, but are not close to the spectacular laying shown in Jean Dugas’ photograph.

The ruler in the photos is one meter (39 inches) long.

Christopher Brett


Dugas, Jean, 1952,
 Geology of the Perth map area, Lanark and Leeds Counties, Ontario; Ph. D., McGill, 189 pages, four  maps.    [ Map 1089A  replicates a map that is part of the  thesis.]

Wilson, Morley E. and  Dugas, Jean,  1961,
Map 1089A, Geology, Perth, Lanark and Leeds Counties, Ontario, Geological Survey of Canada; Geology by Morley E. Wilson, 1930 and Jean Dugas, 1949; Descriptive notes by Jean Dugas.